👀 Hi, I'm @sushilbhattarai45! I'm a passionate Full-stack Developer with a strong interest in building innovative web and mobile applications.
💞️ I'm eager to collaborate on exciting projects and share my knowledge with others. Feel free to reach out!
📫 Contact me: bhattaraisushil005@gmail.com
I'm constantly learning and improving my skills in various web development technologies.
Check out my blog for insights and articles on different technical topics.
Visit my website to learn more about me and my work.
You can also find my resume here.
I'm passionate about creating real-world applications that can make a positive impact. Here are some of my projects:
S.N. | Project Name | Description | Live Link |
1 | Z1 Tracker Pro | Z1 Tracker is a platform that can track any vehicles and user devices remotely and provides features like a remote engine on/off system live tracking and many more. | App |
2 | Project DevTrack | DevTrack is a government focused project where citizens will have the ability to track governmental projects and government as a whole | Website |
3 | Ragat Nepal | A blood donation app connecting donors and recipients. | Website |
4 | Onservic | Client app (Android) connecting vendors and customers. | - |
5 | Hashyy | AI platform for summarizing article content. | Hashyy |
6 | Yaatru | React JS platform for learning about celestial bodies (NASA Space App Challenge project). | Yaatru |
7 | E-Med Nepal | Platform for centralized and secure patient medical record management accessible only by hospitals. | E-Med Nepal |
8 | VoicePet | Voice assistant using ChatGPT and Appwrite for information, recommendations, and English language assistance. | VoicePet |
9 | International Space Station Tracker | Interactive 3D model of the International Space Station (ISS) and Earth (NASA Space App Challenge project). | International Space Station Tracker |
10 | MeroRakam | Versatile mobile application designed to streamline and simplify financial transactions for users. Manages everyday transactions and complex financial tasks. | GitHub |