Simple python script for generating automatic tour dates for your website by scraping the web
- Fast and simple scarping data from spotify / songkick urls
- Email sending functions
- Automatic via cronjobs / sheduled tasks etc.
- Debug mode for errors
- Raw output hmtl, so you can use your own css
| tourGEN - Tourdate Generator v0.2 |
| by suuhm (C) 2023 |
usage: [-h] [--url URL] [--export EXPORT] [--debug] [--mailsend MAILSEND]
Download content from a URL and save it to a file.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--url URL, -u URL URL to fetch data from
--export EXPORT, -f EXPORT
Name of the HTML file to save the data
--debug, -d Output debugging of site conntent
--mailsend MAILSEND, -m MAILSEND
Get a debugging mail
Simply download the python file and run this on your serial/ssh console:
# Example
python --url --export /var/www/yoursite/tourdate.html
Simply put these lines to /etc/cronjob/
# Example : Everyday 06:05AM and 03:05PM
5 6,15 * * * root -u --export /var/www/yoursite/tourdate.html -m >/dev/null 2>&1
You have to edit the lines in the py file like this:
# Email configuration:
# --------------------
sender_email = ''
recipient_email = MAILADDR
subject = 'Alert'
#message = 'This is a test email alert.'
# SMTP server configuration
smtp_server = 'localhost'
smtp_port = 25
#smtp_port = 587
#smtp_username = 'your_smtp_username'
#smtp_password = 'your_smtp_password'