development environment :python3
, venv
, flask
, ngrok
For instructions on how to make them, please refer to this site.
Please enter this sentence in the command.
python3(py) -m venv (environment Name)
(environment Name)\Scripts\activate.bat
Now you are ready for venv!
Reference Site↓
Please enter this sentence in the command.
pip install line-bot-sdk
pip install flask
pip install beautifulsoup4
The library installation is now complete.
You can download it here.↓
Select the OS
you are using.
Extract the installed zip file.
Please enter this sentence in the command.
cd (Path of the file you just extracted)
ngrok http 5000
Paste the https URL into your own linedevelopers webhook settings
This completes the ngrok setup.
flask run
Enter the letters of the image you wish to search for and the image will be returned.
For more information, tap the logo above and visit the official website.
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