The world's first blockchain-enabled insulin calculator for type 1 diabetics
Click here for the whitepaper, or read the below summary.
Diabether is a mobile app for any patient with type 1 diabetes who uses an insulin pen (not an insulin pump).
Diabether calculates the units of insulin a patient will need to inject him/herself with before a meal, or any time the patient has high blood glucose (also known as hyperglycemia).
Type 1 diabetes is hard work. Every time a patient eats something, this person needs to inject him/herself with insulin. The amount of insulin depends on a lot of factors, including…
- the time of day, and
- the patient's current blood glucose value, and
- the amount of carbohydrates the patient is about to eat, and
- the exercise the patient is planning to undergo the next few hours, and
- the units of insulin that are still "on board" from a previous dose, etc. etc.
Most patients are children. It is very difficult for them to take all of the above factors into account, let alone doing it 3–6 times per day. What Diabether does is…
- remove guesswork, and
- reduce errors, and
- make the lives of patients (mostly children) easier.
Alice is a patient with type 1 diabetes. Bob is her caretaker.
Bob is making dinner. Bob adds up the carbohydrates in Alice's meal. Bob then sends this simple WhatsApp message to Alice her phone:
Alice receives the above message on her mobile phone, and clicks on it. The Diabether app opens automatically on Alice's phone, and pre-fills the carbohydrates that Bob has sent her.
Alice now needs to input her current blood glucose value. She can do that manually (after she has given herself a small finger prick) or she can scan her continuous glucose sensor with her phone.
The Diabether app will calculate the exact units of insulin she will need to inject herself with. After injecting herself with insulin, Alice sits down for dinner. There isn't anything else she and Bob will need to do.