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Simple Docker container to run a Tor node.

Quick reference

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I will regularly rebuild the image to include updated Alpine packages with important security fixes.

How to use this image

Start a simple Tor node

This command will start a Tor node and open ports 9001 and 9030:

docker run -d -p 9001:9001 -p 9030:9030 --name tor svengo/tor

Data storage

Data is stored in an anonymous volume that is mounted on /data (see docker inspect for more information). You can use a host volume to store the data in a specific directory on the host. The directory could exist, the permissions are handled by the container.

Start the container:

docker run -d -p 9001:9001 -p 9030:9030 --name tor -v /data/tor:/data svengo/tor

Basic configuration

Use environment variables for basic configuration. The contents of the environment variables are used to build /etc/tor/torrc-defaults, for more advanced configuration you can edit the /data/torrc configuration file directly.

docker run -d -p 9001:9001 -p 9030:9030 --name tor -v /data/tor:/data -e "NICKNAME=MyDockerTorNode" -e "" svengo/tor``

Docker Compose

You can use docker-compose.yml. Don't forget to edit the file to suit your needs.

Environment Variables

svengo/tor uses several environment variables to generate the torrc-defaults-file, the variables are set to reasonable defaults (see below). You can edit /data/torrc to your needs after the first run.


ORPORT=[address:]PORT|auto [flags]

Advertise this port to listen for connections from Tor clients and servers. This option is required to be a Tor server. Set it to "auto" to have Tor pick a port for you. Set it to 0 to not run an ORPORT at all.

(Default: 9001)


DIRPORT=[address:]PORT|auto [flags]

If this option is nonzero, advertise the directory service on this port. Set it to "auto" to have Tor pick a port for you.

(Default: 9030)



Set an exit policy for this server. Each policy is of the form accept[6]|reject[6] ADDR[/MASK][:PORT]. If /MASK is omitted, then this policy just applies to the host given. Instead of giving a host or network you can also use * to denote the universe ( and ::/128), or *4 to denote all IPv4 addresses, and *6 to denote all IPv6 addresses. PORT can be a single port number, an interval of ports FROM_PORT-TO_PORT, or * . If PORT is omitted, that means *.

(Default: reject *:* # no exits allowed)


CONTROLPORT=PORT|unix:path|auto [flags]

If set, Tor will accept connections on this port and allow those connections to control the Tor process using the Tor Control Prot ocol (described in control-spec.txt in torspec). Note: unless you also specify HASHEDCONTROLPASSWORD, setting this option will cau se Tor to allow any process on the local host to control it.

(Default: 9051)



Allow connections on the control port if they present the password whose one-way hash is hashed_password. You can compute the hash of a password by running docker run svengo/tor tor --hash-password password

(Default: 16:872860B76453A77D60CA2BB8C1A7042072093276A3D701AD684053EC4C)



Set the server’s nickname to 'name'. Nicknames must be between 1 and 19 characters inclusive, and must contain only the characters [a-zA-Z0-9].

(Default: ididnteditheconfig)



Administrative contact information for this relay or bridge. This line can be used to contact you if your relay or bridge is misconfigured or something else goes wrong. Note that we archive and publish all descriptors containing these lines and that Google indexes them, so spammers might also collect them. You may want to obscure the fact that it’s an email address and/or generate a new address for this purpose.

You can use Tor ContactInfo Generator to create a contact info following ContactInfo-Information-Sharing-Specification.

(Default: Random Person <nobody AT example dot com>)



Declare that this Tor server is controlled or administered by a group or organization identical or similar to that of the other servers, defined by their identity fingerprints. When two servers both declare that they are in the same 'family', Tor clients will not use them in the same circuit. (Each server only needs to list the other servers in its family; it doesn’t need to list itself, but it won’t hurt.) Do not list any bridge relay as it would compromise its concealment.

When listing a node, it’s better to list it by fingerprint than by nickname: fingerprints are more reliable.

(Default: empty)


The IPv4 address of this server, or a fully qualified domain name of this server that resolves to an IPv4 address. You can leave this unset, and Tor will try to guess your IPv4 address. This IPv4 address is the one used to tell clients and other servers where to find your Tor server; it doesn't affect the address that your server binds to. It also seems to work with an IPv6 address.


Please report any problems as issues on github.