- .NET Framework 4.8.0
- PowerShell 4
Simply run
Install-Module "SnsPsModule" -Scope "AllUsers";
- Download SnsPsModule.zip.
- Don't forget to check the .ZIP file for viruses and etc.
- File MD5 hash:
- Unzip in one of the following folders depending of your preference:
- Replace "UserName" with the actual username, If you want the module to be available for specific user.C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
- If you want the module to be available for all users on the machine.- Or any other location present in
- Run the following command replacing "PathWhereModuleIsInstalled" with the actual path where the module files were unzipped.
Get-ChildItem -Path "PathWhereModuleIsInstalled" -Recurse | Unblock-File
- Enjoy!
For additional information, please use the CmdLets built-in help.
Get-Help Add-SnsAdGroupMember -Full;
Get-Help Add-SnsAdMultiValuedStringAttributeValue -Full;
Get-Help Clear-SnsAdAttribute -Full;
Get-Help ConvertFrom-SnsIADsLargeInteger -Full;
Get-Help ConvertFrom-SnsIpAddressString -Full;
Get-Help Get-SnsAdAttribute -Full;
Get-Help Get-SnsWebPage -Full;
Get-Help Invoke-SnsParallelRunSpaces -Full;
Get-Help Move-SnsAdObject -Full;
Get-Help New-SnsAdObject -Full;
Get-Help New-SnsChart -Full;
Get-Help New-SnsHtmlHeader -Full;
Get-Help New-SnsPassword -Full;
Get-Help New-SnsPieChart -Full;
Get-Help New-SnsZipArchive -Full;
Get-Help Remove-SnsAdGroupMember -Full;
Get-Help Remove-SnsAdMultiValuedStringAttributeValue -Full;
Get-Help Remove-SnsAdObject -Full;
Get-Help Rename-SnsAdObject -Full;
Get-Help Reset-SnsAdPassword -Full;
Get-Help Search-SnsAdObject -Full;
Get-Help Set-SnsAdBooleanAttribute -Full;
Get-Help Set-SnsAdByteAttribute -Full;
Get-Help Set-SnsAdIadsiLargeIntegerAttribute -Full;
Get-Help Set-SnsAdInt32Attribute -Full;
Get-Help Set-SnsAdMultiValuedStringAttribute -Full;
Get-Help Set-SnsAdProtectFromAccidentalDeletion -Full;
Get-Help Set-SnsAdStringAttribute -Full;
Get-Help Set-SnsAdUserMustChangePassword -Full;
Get-Help Set-SnsRegistry -Full;
Get-Help Assert-SnsDirectAssignedLicense -Full;
Get-Help Assert-SnsGroupBasedLicense -Full;
Get-Help Connect-SnsAzureAd -Full;
Get-Help Connect-SnsExchangeEws -Full;
Get-Help Connect-SnsExchangeOnline -Full;
Get-Help Connect-SnsExchangeOnPremises -Full;
Get-Help Connect-SnsMicrosoftTeams -Full;
Get-Help Connect-SnsMsolService -Full;
Get-Help Connect-SnsSharePointOnline -Full;
Get-Help Connect-SnsSkypeOnPremises -Full;
Get-Help Disable-SnsMfa -Full;
Get-Help Enable-SnsMfa -Full;
Get-Help Export-SnsCredentialFile -Full;
Get-Help Import-SnsCredentialFile -Full;
Get-Help Invoke-SnsParallelJobs -Full;
Get-Help New-SnsTemporaryPsDrive -Full;
Get-Help Update-SnsNotepadPlusPlusLanguageFile -Full;
- svesavov on GitHub: https://github.com/svesavov
- svesavov on PowerShell Gallery: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/SnsPsModule/
- Svetoslav Savov on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/svetoslavsavov