This repository contains practise problems, projects and code snippets for completing 11 chapters of "Automate-the-Boring-Stuff-with-Python" as part of the amFOSS first year curriculum.
- Chapter 1: Python Basics
- Chapter 2: Flow Control
- Chapter 3: Functions
- Chapter 4: Lists
- Chapter 5: Dictionaries and Structuring Data
- Chapter 6: Manipulating Strings
- Chapter 7: Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
- Chapter 8 – Input Validation
- Chapter 9 – Reading and Writing Files
- Chapter 10 – Organizing Files
- Chapter 11 – Debugging
Each chapter directory contains the code and solutions related to the tasks assigned for that particular chapter. Feel free to explore the code and use it as a reference.
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Online book by Al Sweigart
If you find any issues or improvements, feel free to contribute by creating a pull request. Suggestions and feedback are always welcome!
Happy coding!