An example flask rest API server, for SE Fall 2022.
To build production, type make prod
To create the env for a new developer, run make dev_env
PythonAnywhere API:
When loading coins database locally, requires USE_CMC to be set to 1 and CMC_KEY to be set to your CoinMarketCap API key.
The target audiences are primarily crypto investors based on their investment portfolio
- Each of the main requirements will corespond to an API endpoint.
- Main focus is on the coinmarket API
Login Page
- Use mongodb for logging in
- database stores username/account data
- account recovery
Sign up
- include node for buttons/activate database
Home Page - Logged In
- User personalized
- Investor/crypto movements
- Include graph based on what they follow
Home Page - Not Logged In
- Latests Trends
Investor/User Profile
- Follow github UI
- Use twitter api for tweets
- follow button
- include net worth
- show socials
User Account (logged in)
- when first logging show "Hello Name"
- Drop down settings option
- Followers/ following
- Users can follow other users
- include net worth
Search bar
- include filter for user to choose what they search for
- include auto ending?
Search Page
- search crypto/investor option
- leading trends (e.g price change)
- shows what user search for
- shows similar things with same name/searched term
- includes market cap/ popular crypto trends
- include filter
Investor/Cryptocurrency Page
- info on it
- price change
- market news
Users and Systems
- Login and registration authentication
- Subscriptions for alerts (e.g. texts, emails)
- Customized alerts based on prices and activity of followed investors
- Send alerts/messages
Data Processing
- Get data from APIs chosen
- Process and analyze data for different use cases
Database design update:
include who users follows
include who follows user
Store user data, e.g. account info
Query user data, e.g. get the number of accounts
ER Diagram: Design
- Set up database
- User credentials + data
- Set up coin API
- Can request coin info
- User functions (e.g create/delete account, follow, post, etc)
- Deployed API server to PythonAnywhere
- Set up authentication
- Set up user post functionality
- Develop and deployed React application to Heroku
- Home page
- Search bar
- User account and coin pages
- Login/Logout/Authentication
- Account settings
- Post feed display