For so many times, I found some nice color and hope to add to my app, I found that Color
in SwiftUI does not accept the colorspace... I have to type "XXX to Color Swift" in Google and go through those the stackoverflow answers for UIColor
or Swift 3 that I don't need again and again.
That's why I start this project. A file that contains intuitive initializers for Color
in SwiftUI. Supporting RGBA, Hex, HSL, HSV and CMKY color space at the moment. The SwiftUIColorTest
is an example to illustrate all the color space supported right now.
It works for me and hope it works for you!
Simply copy the Color.swift
to your project to use them :)
// `r`, `g`, `b`, `a` in [0, 1].
Color(r: Double, g: Double, b: Double, a: Double = 1)
// `r`, `g`, `b`, `a` in [0, 255].
Color(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Int = 255)
// `hex` should start with "#". It can be 6 digit like "#ABC123" or 3 digit like "#ABC".
// When the hex string is of invalid format, the initializer will throw
// `ColorInitError.hexStringErrorFormatted`.
// It is case-insensitive, you could use "#FFFfff".
// `opacity` in [0, 1].
Color(hex: String, opacity: Double = 1) throws
// `h` is an `Angle` variable as custom.
// `s`, `l`, `opacity` in [0, 1].
Color(h: Angle, s: Double, l: Double, opacity: Double = 1)
// `h` is an `Angle` variable as custom.
// `s`, `v`, `opacity` in [0, 1].
Color(h: Angle, s: Double, v: Double, opacity: Double = 1)
// `c`, `m`, `y`, `k`, `opacity` in [0, 1]
Color(c: Double, m: Double, y: Double, k: Double, opacity: Double = 1)
Feel free to file issues or pull requests for more color space or some other functionality relates to Color