WWDC2019 Build your first app Here is a recreation of the "Room" app introduced in wwdc2019 Introducing SwiftUI: Building Your First App using SwiftUI 2.0. Graphic Tutorial There is a series of graphic turorial on how to create this project step by step in Chinese: 从 wwdc 学 SwiftUI——搭建你的第一个 SwiftUI 应用 (1) [github] [知乎] [掘金] 从 wwdc 学 SwiftUI——搭建你的第一个 SwiftUI 应用 (2) [github] [知乎] [掘金] 从 wwdc 学 SwiftUI——搭建你的第一个 SwiftUI 应用 (3) [github] 从 wwdc 学 SwiftUI——搭建你的第一个 SwiftUI 应用 (4) [github]