budget-anywhere is an application that allows the user to track income and expenses on the go, even without an internet connection. Please see the "Technology" section below for details on the PWA implementation.
If you wish to run your own copy of the application, install the required node modules by running:
npm i
In addition, MongoDB is required. Please see the Technology section below for a link to MongoDB.
After installing the required npm modules and creating the database, the application can be started and run locally by entering:
npm start
from the command line.
The following technology was used to build note-taker:
express - https://www.npmjs.com/package/express
mongodb - https://www.mongodb.com/
mongoose - https://mongoosejs.com/
node - https://nodejs.org/en/
In addition to the technology listed above, the app is set up as a progressive web app (PWA), using IndexedDB and service worker to store transactions while an internet connection is unstable or unavailable, and then posting them to the database when internet serivce is reestablished.
Please report any issues using my contact information below.
GitHub Profile: https://github.com/swillrich5
Email Address: swillrich@gmail.com