The Swim System Python implementation provides a standalone set of frameworks for building massively real-time streaming WARP clients.
The Swim Python Client is a streaming API client for linking to lanes
of stateful Web Agents using the WARP protocol, enabling massively
real-time applications that continuously synchronize all shared states
with ping latency. WARP is like pub-sub without the broker,
enabling every state of a Web API to be streamed, without
interference from billions of queues.
pip install swimos
# Setting the value of a value lane on a remote agent.
import time
from swimos import SwimClient
with SwimClient() as swim_client:
host_uri = 'ws://localhost:9001'
node_uri = '/unit/foo'
lane_uri = 'info'
value_downlink = swim_client.downlink_value()
new_value = 'Hello from Python!'
print('Stopping the client in 2 seconds')
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- Install async test package:
pip install aiounittest
- Run tests:
python -m unittest
- Install async test package:
pip install aiounittest
- Install coverage package:
pip install coverage
- Generate report:
coverage run --source=swimos -m unittest
- View report:
coverage report -m
- Install lint package:
pip install flake8
- Run checks:
- Install commit hook package:
pip install pre-commit
- Run hook installation:
pre-commit install
- Install build package:
pip install build
- Run:
python -m build
- Add version tag:
git tag VERSION (e.g. 0.1.0)
- Push to remote:
git push origin VERSION