The Swissup Diagnostic module is a tool designed for Magento 2 store owners and developers to gather essential information about their Magento environment. This command-line utility provides an overview of the PHP, Magento, and server-related details.
Environment Information: Details such as PHP version, Magento version, Composer version, and server user information.
Folder Structure Check: Verify if any default Magento and Swissup modules/themes were not overwritten.
Magento 2 Theme Data: Display a table of Magento 2 themes to check if no virtual themes exist.
Fixing the virtual themes
Execute the following command to run the diagnostic tool:
bin/magento swissup:info
bin/magento swissup:info:virtualfix
There are several ways to install extension for clients:
- If you've bought the product at Magento's Marketplace - use Marketplace installation instructions
- Otherwise, you have two options:
- Install the sources directly from our repository - recommended
- Download archive and use manual installation
Use this approach if you have access to our private repositories!
composer config repositories.swissup composer
composer require swissup/module-diagnostic:dev-master --prefer-source
bin/magento setup:upgrade