Kai Yao, Nash D Rochman, Sean X Sun (*ssun@jhu.edu) @ Johns Hopkins University
Welcome to the world of Cell Biology ✕ ML. Here we supply the algorithms applied in our currently unpublished study:
CTRL: a label-free method for dynamic measurement of single-cell volume. You can find it on bioRxiv.
The general flow of building and applying a CTRL system for 3D cell reconstruction and single-cell volume measurement goes as follows:
1. Microdevice fabrication: Detailes can be found in the upcoming publication. Please refer to our previous publication on cell volume - YAP and TAZ regulate cell volume.
2. Fluorescence Exclusion method (FXm) experiment: Detailes can be found in the upcoming publication. Please refer to our previous publication on cell volume - YAP and TAZ regulate cell volume.
3. DIC and fluorescence image acquisition: Detailes can be found in the upcoming publication.
4. Image pre-processing: The codes are supplied in this repository.
5. Neural Network construction, training and validation: The codes are supplied in this repository.
6. Model application: The codes are supplied in this repository for both static single-cell volume prediction and time-lapse cell movie prediction.
We hope you find the information and resource helpful.
Kai Yao
Oct 2019