sya-ri/spigot-event-list : Event list for Minecraft plugins
sya-ri/sya-ri.github.io : Portfolio
sya-ri/KGit : Kotlin Wrapper Library of JGit
sya-ri/Gofile.kt : Kotlin wrapper for the Gofile.io API
sya-ri/ktConfig : Spigot configuration library using Kotlin data classes
sya-ri/ktInventory : Spigot library with Kotlin for easy inventory creation and event handling
sya-ri/commandapi-kotlin-improved : Improve CommandAPI Kotlin DSL
sya-ri/base64-itemstack : ItemStack and Base64 (string) conversion library for Spigot
sya-ri/css-var-extract : Use CSS variables type-safely for CSS-in-JS. No runtime dependencies, and can be optimized.
sya-ri/minecraft-server-gradle-plugin : Launch Minecraft servers using Gradle task
wanko-zushi/MinecraftServerExceptionDiscordSender : Notify Minecraft server exceptions using Discord webhook
wanko-zushi/Animotion : Spigot plugin and CLI tool to animate BlockBench models in Minecraft Java Edition
sya-ri/minecraft-proxy : Proxy your local Minecraft server with a public server using your domain