This is an attempt at defining a pure, functional Haskell based SDL game engine with 2D tiles, forces, collision detection and scriptable config files for defining AI, Entities, tilesets, levels and UI functionality.
'GameEngine/Game.hs' shows an example game.
Filepath | Contains |
GameEngine.AI.Agent | An agent is a thing with some internal state that is passed observations which update its state and decide some action to perform. |
GameEngine.AI.Client | Clients are things that can be updated by an action upon them, or observed for their current state. |
GameEngine.AI.Live | A Live thing is a Client and an Agent combined such that it can be updated with an input. |
GameEngine.AI.Reproducing | A Live thing which may create more of itself by explicitly creating a list of more of similarly typed Live objects when updated. |
GameEngine.ConfigReader | Read a game config file. |
GameEngine.ConfigReader.Arg | Arguments in the game config file are one of several enumerated types. |
GameEngine.ConfigReader.ArgFmt | Require an argument of the format specified in the similarly nested 'Arg' module. |
GameEngine.ConfigReader.Config | Read and decide game configuration. |
GameEngine.ConfigReader.Modifier | Word modifiers found in config files. |
GameEngine.ConfigReader.Option | Config options are words and args. |
GameEngine.ConfigReader.Parser | Parse config files. |
GameEngine.Stage | A stage holds a collection of objects, backgrounds, etc. |
GameEngine.Thing | Things have a tile and several physical properties. |
GameEngine.Tile | A 2D tile. |
GameEngine.TileGrid | A 2D grid of instances of a tileset defines a tilegrid. |
GameEngine.TileSet | A mapping of names to tiles. |
GameEngine.UI/Text | Textual UI elements. |
GameEngine.Background | A Background is a Tilegrid plus a possible background texture. |
GameEngine.Camera | A Camera has positions and dimensions and may track a subject. |
GameEngine.Collect | Collectable things. |
GameEngine.Counter | A Counter keeps a number between a counted range. |
GameEngine.Force | Forces affect velocities. |
GameEngine.Game | An example game using the GameEngine. |
GameEngine.HitBox | A Rectange that may be collided with. |
GameEngine.Rectangle | A rectangular shape. |