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tomashhurst authored Jul 3, 2019
1 parent 6d24005 commit cb65be7
Showing 1 changed file with 210 additions and 0 deletions.
210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions IMC-ROI-annotation_v0.1.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
# IMC ROI annotation script v0.1
# Thomas Ashhurst
# 2019-07-03

############################## START USER INPUT ##############################

### 1. Installing packages, loading packages, setting the working directory

## Install packages if required
if(!require('flowCore')) {install.packages('flowCore')}
if(!require('Biobase')) {install.packages('Biobase')}
if(!require('data.table')) {install.packages('data.table')}

## Load packages

## Create Y-axis inversion function
all.neg <- function(test) -1*abs(test)

## In order for this to work, a) rstudioapi must be installed and b) the location of this .r script must be in your desired working directory
dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path) # Finds the directory where this script is located
setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path)) # Sets the working directory to where the script is located
PrimaryDirectory <- getwd()

## Use this to manually set the working directory
#setwd("/Users/Tom/Desktop/Experiment") # Set your working directory here (e.g. "/Users/Tom/Desktop/") -- press tab when selected after the '/' to see options
#getwd() # Check your working directory has changed correctly
#PrimaryDirectory <- getwd() # Assign the working directory as 'PrimaryDirectory'

### 2. Input data

## Use to list the .csv files in the working directory -- important, the only CSV files in the directory should be the one desired for analysis. If more than one are found, only the first file will be used
FileNames <- list.files(path=PrimaryDirectory, pattern = ".csv") # see a list of CSV files
as.matrix(FileNames) # See file names in a list

## Read data from Files into list of data frames
DataList=list() # Creates and empty list to start

for (File in FileNames) { # Loop to read files into the list
tempdata <- fread(File, check.names = FALSE)
File <- gsub(".csv", "", File)
DataList[[File]] <- tempdata

AllSampleNames <- names(DataList)

## Chech data quality

## Review column names in dataset
colNam <- list() # creates an empty list
for (i in c(1:length(DataList))){colNam[[i]] <- colnames(DataList[[1]])} # creates a table of all column names
colNam <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(colNam), nrow=length(colNam), byrow=T)) # condenses table

# Review column names

### It is important that all column names in each file are consistent for this script to work ###

## What kind of files would you like to generate
do.csv <- 1 # CSV files, yes = 1, no = 0
do.fcs <- 1 # FCS files, yes = 1, no = 0

### 3. Invert Y-axis -- do you wish to create an inverted Y-axis -- coverts all the values to negative values, to correct the direction of the Y-axis

## Examine column names

## Specify a demo sample
num <- 1

## Specify the parameter that denotes the X-axis and Y-axis position
xaxis <- "X_position"
yaxis <- "Y_position"

## Plot X vs y for one sample
demo.invert <- DataList[[num]]
plot(demo.invert[[xaxis]], demo.invert[[yaxis]])

## Invert y-xais in test image
d <- demo.invert[[yaxis]]
d.res <- all.neg(d)
demo.invert[["y-axis-invert"]] <- d.res

## Compare results
plot(demo.invert[[xaxis]], demo.invert[[yaxis]]) # View uninverted data
plot(demo.invert[[xaxis]], demo.invert[["y-axis-invert"]]) # View inverted data

## Do you wish to create an inverted version of the Y-aix (yes = 1, no = 0). This will no replace the y-axis values, but rather add a new column.
do.invert <- 1

### 4. Investigate arcsinh transformation for data (if desired)

## Test a transform value on a demo parameter

test.sampleNum <- 3 # Choose a sample for demonstration
test.colNum1 <- 8 # Choose the first column for a demonstration transformation
test.colNum2 <- 25 # Choose the second column for a demonstration transformation

## Create transformed versions of selected parameters
transf.test <- data.frame(DataList[[test.sampleNum]][[test.colNum1]], DataList[[test.sampleNum]][[test.colNum2]])
names(transf.test) <- c("One","Two")
transf.test["One.transf"] <- transf.test["One"]
transf.test["Two.transf"] <- transf.test["Two"]

## Plot the untransferred parameters
plot(transf.test$One, transf.test$Two)

## Set and apply an demonstration arcsinh scale value (recommended 0.5 - 2)
test.asinh.scale <- 2

transf.test["One.transf"] <- asinh(transf.test[, "One"] / test.asinh.scale)
transf.test["Two.transf"] <- asinh(transf.test[, "Two"] / test.asinh.scale)

## Plot untransformed and transformed data
plot(transf.test$One, transf.test$Two) # Untransformed
plot(transf.test$One.transf, transf.test$Two.transf) # Transformed

plot(transf.test$One, transf.test$One.transf) # Untransformed vs transformed

## Choose columns to be transformed
col.names.dl <- names(DataList[[1]]) # show data with headings
as.matrix(col.names.dl) # view the column 'number' for each parameter

col.nos.scale <- c(3:50) # specify column numbers to be transformed - e.g. c(11, 23, 10)]

col.names.dl[col.nos.scale] # Columns to transform
col.names.dl[-col.nos.scale] # Columns NOT to transform

## Choose the co-factor for arcsinh tranformation (recommended = 1)
do.transform <- 1
asinh.scale <- 1

############################## END USER INPUT ##############################

### Create new output directory

x <- Sys.time()
x <- gsub(":", "-", x)
x <- gsub(" ", "_", x)

newdir <- paste0("Output_IMC-ROI", "_", "transf=", do.transform, "_", "cf=", asinh.scale ,"yaxis-invert=", do.invert, "_", x)

dir.create(paste0(newdir), showWarnings = FALSE)

### Sample loop

for(i in c(1:length(AllSampleNames))){
data_subset <- DataList[i]
data_subset <- rbindlist(as.list(data_subset))
data_subset <-
a <- names(DataList)[i]

## Invert Y-axis
if(do.invert == 1){
invert <- data_subset[[yaxis]]
invert.res <- all.neg(invert)
data_subset[["y-axis-invert"]] <- invert.res

## Perform transform (if selected in preferences, otherwise transformation will not run)
if(do.transform == 1){

col.names.dl <- names(data_subset)
col.names.SCALE <- col.names.dl[col.nos.scale]
data_subset[, col.names.SCALE] <- asinh(data_subset[, col.names.SCALE] / asinh.scale)

if(do.csv == 1){
fwrite(x = data_subset, file = paste0(a, ".csv"), row.names=FALSE)

if(do.fcs == 1){
## Metadata
metadata <- data.frame(name=dimnames(data_subset)[[2]],desc=paste('column',dimnames(data_subset)[[2]]))

## Create FCS file metadata - ranges, min, and max settings
#metadata$range <- apply(apply(data_subset,2,range),2,diff)
metadata$minRange <- apply(data_subset,2,min)
metadata$maxRange <- apply(data_subset,2,max)

data_subset.ff <- new("flowFrame",exprs=as.matrix(data_subset), parameters=AnnotatedDataFrame(metadata)) # in order to create a flow frame, data needs to be read as matrix by exprs
write.FCS(data_subset.ff, paste0(a, ".fcs"))


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