This script connects to a BITalino device via Bluetooth, get readings for 1 min for baseline, then plays a video and records the readings during the video.
Note that this script currently can only be run on Linux systems
For Python 2.7
sudo apt-get install python python-dev python-pip bluez libbluetooth-dev ffmpeg mplayer
sudo pip install numpy pyserial pybluez bitalino
git clone
cd revolution-python-api
sudo python install
(For pip2.7) Note that if your pip complains about no module named _internal
or no module named internal
curl -o
sudo python --force-reinstall
For Python 3
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev python3-pip bluez libbluetooth-dev ffmpeg mplayer
sudo pip3 install numpy pyserial pybluez bitalino
Note that the official BITalino git repo is no longer maintaining BITalino3X, which I have included in this repo. (Thanks to Gautam Sawala for this suggestion) Use Python 2 for best results
Run without flags to use default settings.
--mac-address [MAC Address of the device]
If '--mac-address' is not set, default MAC Address 20:16:12:21:98:56 will be used.
--channels [Comma seperated list of integers from 0 - 5, representing channels]
If '--channels' is not set, all channels 0,1,2,3,4,5 will be monitored
Example: 0,2,3 to monitor channels A1, A3, A4
--sampling-rate [Sampling Rate in Hz]
If '--sampling-rate' is not set, default sampling rate of 100 Hz will be used.
Sampling Rate can be 1, 10, 100 or 1000 Hz.
--video [Path to video file]
If '--video' flag is not set, the script will ask you for video during execution
--output (-o)
Sets the output filename
If '--output' flag is not set, default output filename 'PyBitSignals_(MAC Address)_(date)_(time)' will be used
--help (-h)
Show instructions.
Run without flags to use default settings.
--mac-addresses [MAC Addresses of the devices, in a comma seperated list]
If '--mac-addresses' is not set, default MAC Addresses 20:16:12:21:98:56,20:16:12:22:01:29 will be used.
--channels [Comma seperated list of integers from 0 - 5, representing channels]
If '--channels' is not set, all channels 0,1,2,3,4,5 will be monitored
Example: 0,2,3 to monitor channels A1, A3, A4
--sampling-rate [Sampling Rate in Hz]
If '--sampling-rate' is not set, default sampling rate of 100 Hz will be used.
Sampling Rate can be 1, 10, 100 or 1000 Hz.
--video [Path to video file]
If '--video' flag is not set, the script will ask you for video during execution
--help (-h)
Show instructions.
This python script has only been tested on Ubuntu MATE on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B