create a long live connection between your application and mysql or postgresql in fastify. this is not sql pool.
this package helps you to manage auto reconnection.
you still have the complete features of mysql or postgresql in nodejs except for pool
npm i @bringittocode/fastify-mop@latest
- One library rule them all... i.e you can use any mysql module with this library to manage connection also support postgresql.
- Auto reconnection if connection timeout or an error occured
- You still have all the method of MYSQL2 and postgresql except for pool.
- You have an event to listen on if connection failed or successful
import mop from "@bringittocode/fastify-mop";
// Import any mysql module you wish to use
import mysql from "mysql";
import pg from "pg";
const mop = require('@bringittocode/fastify-mop');
// Import any mysql module you wish to use
const mysql2 = require("mysql2");
const pg = require("pg");
host: "",
user: "",
password: "",
database: "",
WAIT_TIME: 2000, //optional
MODULE: mysql, //mysql2 or pg //optional
USE_NAME: "DB", //optional
USE_EVENT_NAME: "DB_INFO" //optional
DATABASE_INFO => your database detailes... you can also put any valid MYSQL initialization option.
WAIT_TIME => how many miliseconds to wait before reconnecting if there is any disconnection.. DEFAULT 5 seconds
MODULE => Any MYSQL module you wish to use.. DEFAULT MYSQL2
USE_NAME => Any name you would love to use, this will be the name of the database decoration.. DEFAULT ( DB ).... so it will be fastify.DB or fastify.anyname
USE_EVENT_NAME => Any name you would love to use, this will be the name of the database event decoration.. DEFAULT ( DB_INFO ).... so it will be fastify.DB_INFO or fastify.anyname
After registering you then have mysql instance in all of your application
//mysql instance
fastify.DB //or fastify.anyname
//use to listen on events
fastify.DB_INFO //or fastify.anyname
what you have to do is to focus on your query as you would if no package is used
const query = "SELECT * FROM your_table where ?";
// If you are using postgre your query function might be different
// Check there doc on how to query
fastify.DB.query(query, ["user"], function (err, result) {
try {
if (err) throw err;
//manage result
//manage error
NOTE :: do not disconnect after you finish... your connection is meant to stay alive so you can query your database at anytime
event must be inside fastify ready function to avoid error
.then(() => {
// listen for connection and reconnection
// status => boolean
console.log('database connected');
// listen for reconnection error
// code => error code
// message => error message
fastify.DB_INFO.on("reconnect_error", (code,message) => {
console.log(code, message);
// listen for disconnection ...this can be for many reason
fastify.DB_INFO.on("disconnect", (code) => {
That all you need. We are finding who can add typescript to this package
feel free to pull request and contribute....
any issue feel free as well.