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Event Form Editor (CiviRemote)

This extension allows to build event registration forms with an editor. Those forms can be used in the CiviRemote Event extension.


Common fields of contacts as well as custom fields of contacts and participants are available.

This extension is licensed under AGPL-3.0.


  • PHP 7.4 or PHP 8
  • CiviCRM 5.48+
  • CiviRemote Event 1.2+
  • Requirements specified in composer.json
    • webmozart/assert
    • symfony/polyfill-php80 (if PHP 7.4 is used.)

If the requirements specified in composer.json are not available, use composer to install them. If CviCRM is set up via composer, you may want to use composer require in your Composer project. Alternatively you can just run composer install in the extension's directory.

Installation (CLI, Zip)

Sysadmins and developers may download the .zip file for this extension and install it with the command-line tool cv.

cd <extension-dir>
cv dl remoteeventformeditor@

Installation (CLI, Git)

Sysadmins and developers may clone the Git repo for this extension and install it with the command-line tool cv.

git clone
cv en remoteeventformeditor


The initial development was partly funded by Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland ( Protestant Church Rhineland). Thank you!

We need your support

This CiviCRM extension is provided as Free and Open Source Software, and we are happy if you find it useful. However, we have put a lot of work into it (and continue to do so), much of it unpaid for. So if you benefit from our software, please consider making a financial contribution so we can continue to maintain and develop it further.

If you are willing to support us in developing this CiviCRM extension, please send an email to to get an invoice or agree a different payment method. Thank you!