A static site with famillial cooking recipes in french (some cooking recipes are very hard to translate and quantity to convert in oz, cup or other... Just to annoying :)), made with zola and deployed with edgio.
beercss is used to build a nice ui interface with material design.
Many images used on the site come from unsplash, others are stored on imagekit.io.
The site is deployed with surge, you need to install the cli tool:
npm install surge --save-dev
Add content to the public/
zola build
And deploy:
cd public
domain: recipes-zola.surge.sh
Site deployed at: https://recipes-zola.surge.sh/
imagekit use a website analyzer: https://imagekit.io/website-analyzer
In resume, in order to reduce image size, all metadatas are erased using mat2
$ mat2 example.jpeg
And images are compressed and formatted in webp using cwebp
$ cwebp -q 80.00 example.cleaned.jpeg -o example.webp
After deployed, new sitemap is valided by clicking on https://www.google.com/ping?sitemap=https://szorfein-zola-cook-default.edgio.link/sitemap.xml