This is a gitlab continuous integration example project compatible with the windows-based shared runners provided on building a .NET Core Windows Desktop project.
This example repository uses Nuke Build to build the project.
The following commands will trigger a debug build:
> .\build.ps1
> .\build.ps1 --configuration Debug
- The nuke build script uses JUnitXml.TestLogger to generate an unit test result file that can be parsed by gitlab
- The nuke build script uses Coverlet.Collector together with ReportGenerator to generate a html code coverage report and allow gitlab to display the code coverage of the unit tests
The following command will trigger a release build:
> .\build.ps1 --configuration Release
- The nuke build script will create the following zip archives in the root directory of the repository:
- (will require .NET Core Runtime 3.1)
- (will not require .NET Core Runtime 3.1)
- (will not require .NET Core Runtime 3.1)
Thanks to the Tango Desktop Project for the repository icon.
Thanks for your interest in this project. You can show your appreciation and support further development by donating.
gitlab-ci-example-dotnetcore-windows © 2019-2020 Tobias Koch. Released under the MIT License.