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rx-pubsub or RxPubSub is a "Publish and Subscribe" service based on RxJs ReplaySubject


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249503c · Sep 20, 2017


35 Commits
Sep 20, 2017
Sep 20, 2017
May 4, 2017
May 4, 2017
May 4, 2017
Sep 20, 2017
Sep 20, 2017
May 4, 2017
Aug 7, 2017
May 4, 2017
Sep 20, 2017
May 4, 2017
May 13, 2017
May 19, 2017

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  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Methods
  5. Git repository
  6. Version

1. Description

rx-pubsub or RxPubSub is a "Publish and Subscribe" service based on RxJs ReplaySubject.

2. Installation

Install the module into your application and save it as a dev dependency in your package.json file

npm install rx-pubsub --save-dev

3. Usage

In order to use the RxPubSub service you have to include/import it into your application:

import {RxPubSub} from "rx-pubsub";

If you want to use it in a plain/vanilla Javascript project then you might just include the js file into your html/page application:

<script type="application/javascript" src="./node_modules/rx-pubsub/dist/rx-pubsub.min.js"></script>

Create new RxPubSub object and use it.


let eventName = 'testEvent';
console.log('register 1st subscriber to the event');
let sub1 = RxPubSub.subscribe(eventName, (data) => {
    console.log('1st subscriber receives data: ', data);
console.log('register 2nd subscriber to the same event');
let sub2 = RxPubSub.subscribe(eventName, (data) => {
    console.log('2nd subscriber receives data: ', data);
console.log('publish data to the event');
RxPubSub.publish(eventName, {testProp: 'test Value'});
console.log('register 3rd subscriber to the same event');
let sub3 = RxPubSub.subscribe(eventName, (data) => {
    console.log('3rd subscriber receives data: ', data);


register 1st subscriber to the event
register 2nd subscriber to the same event
publish data to the event
1st subscriber receives data: 
Object {testProp: "test Value"}
2nd subscriber receives data: 
Object {testProp: "test Value"}
register 3rd subscriber to the same event
3rd subscriber receives data:
Object {testProp: "test Value"}

4. Methods

publish(eventName: string, data: any, previousMessagesNr: number = 1)

Publish data to an event

eventName - Event which should be fired
data - Data sent to all Subscribers of the event
previousMessagesNr - Maximum element count of the replay buffer

Method returns void.

subscribe(eventName: string, callback: (data?: any) => any, previousMessagesNr: number = 1)

Register a new subscriber/callback to an event

eventName - Event to subscribe to
callback - Callback to be called when the eventName is fired
previousMessagesNr - Maximum element count of the replay buffer

Method returns Subscription if callback and eventName is provided. FALSE if there is an error.

subscribeOnce(eventName: string, callback: (data?: any) => any)

Subscribe to an event only one single time.
After the first publish the Subscriber will be destroyed and will not receive any further data published to its eventName.

eventName - Event to subscribe to
callback - Callback to be called when the eventName is fired
previousMessagesNr - Maximum element count of the replay buffer

Method returns Subscription if callback and eventName is provided. FALSE if there is an error.

unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscription)

Unsubscribe a Subscriber from the event.

subscriber - the Subscriber which should be destroyed/unsubscribed

Method returns void.

As the subscribe() and subscribeOnce() methods returns back the RxJs/Subscription object you can use its available methods. The most important thing is the unsubscribe() method provided directly by the RxJs/Subscription.
Hence, if you have the Subscription object:

let eventName = 'testEvent';
let subscription = RxPubSub.subscribe(eventName, (data) => {
    console.log('received data: ', data);

you can unsubscribe it using the RxPubSub method:


or using the rxjs/Subscription method:


unsubscribeAll(subscribers: Subscription[])

Unsubscribe a list of Subscribers from the event

subscribers - The list of subscribers which should be destroyed/unsubscribed

Method returns void.

dispose(eventName: string)

Unsubscribe all observers from the event and release resources.

eventName - event which should be destroyed.

Method returns void.

hasSubscribers(eventName: string)

Check if a Subject attached to the event eventName has Subscribers.

eventName - Name of the event to be checked if it has Subscribers.

Method returns boolean:
true - if there is at least one Subscriber
false - if there are no Subscribers at all


Retrieve the entire list of the events and the Subjects attached to them.

Method returns an Object which contains the list of the events and the Subjects attached to them.


An alias for the getEvents() method.

Method returns an Object which contains the list of the events and the Subjects attached to them.

5. Git repository

6. Version
