Install node modules
npm install
Compile TypeScript files and start the application
npm run start
API Endpoints:
- POST only
- accepts JSON data in the format:
{ source: { x: x1, y: y1 }, destination: { x: x2, y: y2 }}
- books the nearest available car and returns response in the format:
{ car_id: id, total_time: t }
- if no car is available, empty response is returned
- moves all booked cars by 1 distance unit and returns current cars positionshttp://localhost:8090/api/reset
- resets all cars to (0, 0) and unbooks them and returns current cars positionshttp://localhost:8090/api/status
- returns current cars positions without any modifications made
Run all tests
npm run tests
Run Unit tests
npm run test-unit
Run unit tests with watch mode
npm run test-unit-watch
Run Python API tests (make sure API server is up and running)
npm run test-api
After first time Unit tests have run, coverage is collected and accessible from /test/reports/jest/index.html
Run TSLint
npm run lint
Start watching TypeScript files for changes and compiling them automatically
npm run watch