(GnuPG encryption module)
third-party module used: gnupg
linux program used: gpg
gem provides easy encryption to a default or explicit public key. It can be used
- as a Linux CLI tool
- as a Python module
gem as a Linux CLI tool
gem "cleartext" [pub_key_file_name] [pub_key_file_path]
gem accepts piped string input
echo "Hello" | gem
gem as a Python module
import gem
encrypted_str = gem.main(clear_text,
(rename or copy the file gem
to gem.py
before importing)
When executed with no arguments or piped input, gem takes input from the keyboard
(end keyboard input with CTRL-D)
(clipboard encryption)
(needs xclip to be installed on linux)
cle encrypts the clipboard content in place
(custom keyboard shortcut execution recommended)