Welcome to RealtyHub a real estate website built with React, Tailwind CSS, and MongoDB!
RealtyHub is a comprehensive platform for buying, selling, and renting properties. Leveraging React for dynamic front-end interactions, Tailwind CSS for modern design, and MongoDB for robust database management, it offers a seamless experience for users to browse listings, view property details, and connect with real estate agents.
- Property Listings: Browse through a wide range of property listings, including houses, apartments, and commercial spaces.
- Advanced Search: Filter properties based on location, price, size, amenities, and more for targeted results.
- Property Details: View detailed information about each property, including descriptions, photos, floor plans, and virtual tours.
- User Authentication: Sign up, log in securely, and manage your profile to save favorite listings and track property inquiries.
- Contact Real Estate Agents: Connect with real estate agents directly through the website to schedule viewings and ask questions.
- Admin Dashboard (Optional): Allow admins to manage listings, user accounts, and inquiries efficiently.
Explore my RealtyHub website:
- [Preview on Netlify] (https://realtyhub-2dcd11.netlify.app/)