Welcome to Phat-Tai Nguyen's DevTools repository. This project contains a set of tools to enhance your development workflow.
This repository includes a bash script to automate the process of adding, committing, and pushing changes to a Git repository.
- Git must be installed on your system.
- Bash shell (Linux and macOS) or Git Bash (Windows) should be available.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/tainguyenphat74/devtools.git
Navigate to the cloned directory:
cd devtools
The bash script git-add-commit-push-all-in-one.sh
simplifies the process of adding, committing, and pushing changes to your Git repository.
Open Git Bash.
Navigate to the directory where the script is located:
cd path/to/devtools
Ensure the script has execution permissions:
chmod +x git-add-commit-push-all-in-one.sh
Run the script:
To run the script without emojis in commit messages:
./git-add-commit-push-all-in-one.sh --no-emoji
To use the script, run it with the desired commit type
and message
, it will automatically add, commit, and push to the remote branch. Here are some examples:
# When you type this command, it equivalent to: git add -A && git commit -m "✨ implement new feature" && git push
git feat "implement new feature"
Similar example:
git fix "fix bug" # git commit -m "🐛 fix bug"
git docs "update documentation" # git commit -m "📚 update documentation"
git style "format code" # git commit -m "💄 format code"
git refactor "refactor code" # git commit -m "♻️ refactor code"
git perf "improve performance" # git commit -m "⚡ improve performance"
git test "add tests" # git commit -m "✅ add tests"
git chore "update dependencies" # git commit -m "🔧 update dependencies"
git build "run build" # git commit -m "🛠️ run build"
git ci "update CI configuration" # git commit -m "👷 update CI configuration"
We welcome contributions! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.