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A practical node-express project in order to increase my backend implement skills using javaScript .

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Vidly Express Server

A practical node-express project in order to increase my backend implement skills using javaScript .

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes:

Primary exception of sharing this is repository is your attention on notes I'm attached on the following of this passage:


  • clone the source code using git or download it using top right link


run following command on project root in order to installing dependencies and dev-dependencies

npm install

Running the tests

Application writing base on test driven development; whole tests source codes available on tests directory.

Break down into unit and integration tests

jest testing command embedded into npm scripts test you can test all aspects of application using following command:

npm run test

here's lists of all tests passed by routeHandlers and middleWares also end point address provided as topic on top of each describe:

PASS  tests/integration/movie.test.js
      âś“ Should return all movies when send GET request (414ms)
      âś“ should return 404 if no movie found (7ms)
      âś“ Should return 404 when receive an invalid id (9ms)
      âś“ Should return the movie by given id. (9ms)
      âś“ Should return 401 if no token provided (15ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 if movieTitle less than 3 character (11ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 if movieTitle more than 255 character (5ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 no genresId is provided (5ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 no numberInStock is less than 0 (6ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 dailyRentalRate is less than 0 (5ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if request is valid (7ms)
      âś“ Should save the movie if request is valid (8ms)
      âś“ Should return movie if request is valid (6ms)
      âś“ Should return 401 if no token provided (5ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 if movieTitle less than 3 character (6ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 if movieTitle more than 255 character (21ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 no genresId is provided (15ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 no numberInStock is less than 0 (5ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 dailyRentalRate is less than 0 (5ms)
      âś“ Should return 404 if no movie founded by the given id (9ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if request is valid (13ms)
      âś“ Should update the movie if request is valid (11ms)
      âś“ Should send Updated movie if request is valid (10ms)
      âś“ should return 401 if token not provided (4ms)
      âś“ should return 404 if no movie founded by the given id (5ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if user is admin and id is valid (5ms)
      âś“ should remove movie given id if user is admin and id is valid (7ms)
      âś“ should send movie genre to the user (5ms)

 PASS tests/integration/users.test.js
      âś“ should return 401 if no token provided (80ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if request is valid (91ms)
      âś“ should send user if request is valid (76ms)
      âś“ should return 401 if not token provided (3ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if user name is less than 3 character (2ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if user email is less than 10 character (7ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if user name is more than 50 character (9ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if user email is more than 255 character (4ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if user password is less than 8 character (3ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if user password is more than 30 character (2ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if user password does not contain at least one lowerCase character (3ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if user password does not contain at least one UpperCase character (2ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if user password does not contain at least one numeric character (3ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if user already exist by given email (5ms)
      âś“ should save the user if request is valid (85ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if request is valid (75ms)
      âś“ should send userInfo if request is valid (74ms)

 PASS  tests/integration/authentication.test.js
      âś“ should return 400 if email less than 10 character (148ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if password less than 8 character (75ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if email more than 255 character (75ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if password more than 1024 character (73ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if user by the given email not found (77ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if password is not correct (146ms)
      âś“ return 200 if request is valid (140ms)
      âś“ should send specific string if request is valid (140ms)

 PASS  tests/integration/rental.test.js
      âś“ should return 401 if no token provided (81ms)
      âś“ should return 404 if not rental available (15ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if request is valid (16ms)
      âś“ should send all rentals (15ms)
      âś“ should return 401 if no token provided (10ms)
      âś“ should return 404 if not rental available by given id (12ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if request is valid (13ms)
      âś“ should send rental if request is valid (13ms)
      âś“ should return 401 if no token provided (14ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if no customer found by the given id (21ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if no movie found by the given id (14ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if movie.numberInStock is zero (22ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if request is valid (19ms)
      âś“ should save rental in db if request is valid (21ms)
      âś“ should decrease movie number in stock if request is valid (19ms)
      âś“ should send rental if request is valid (20ms)

 PASS  tests/integration/home.test.js
      âś“ should 200 receiving get request (444ms)

 PASS  tests/integration/customer.test.js
      âś“ should return 404 if customer by the given id not found (94ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if request is valid (6ms)
        âś“ should return 404 if customer by given id not found (6ms)
        âś“ should return 200 if request is valid (7ms)
        âś“ should return if not token provided (6ms)
        âś“ should return 400 if customer name is less than 3 character (6ms)
        âś“ should return 400 if customer phone is less than 5 character (5ms)
        âś“ should return 400 if customer name is more than 255 character (5ms)
        âś“ should return 400 if customer phone is more than 255 character (4ms)
        âś“ should return 400 if customer phone is more than 255 character (4ms)
        âś“ should return 200 if request is valid (5ms)
        âś“ should add the given customer into the db if request is valid (6ms)
        âś“ should send customer to user (6ms)
        âś“ should return if not token provided (4ms)
        âś“ should return 400 if customer name is less than 3 character (4ms)
        âś“ should return 400 if customer phone is less than 5 character (3ms)
        âś“ should return 400 if customer name is more than 255 character (4ms)
        âś“ should return 400 if customer phone is more than 255 character (4ms)
        âś“ should return 400 if customer phone is more than 255 character (4ms)
        âś“ should return 200 if requset is valid (7ms)
        âś“ should change the given customer into the db if request is valid (8ms)
        âś“ should send edited customer to user if requset is valid (11ms)
        âś“ should return 401 if no toke provided (4ms)
        âś“ should return 404 if no customer by the given id (4ms)
        âś“ should return 200 request is valid (5ms)
        âś“ should delete customer by the given id if request is valid (5ms)
        âś“ should send deleted customer to user if request is valid (5ms)

 PASS  tests/integration/genres.test.js
      âś“ Should return all genres when send GET request (60ms)
      âś“ Should return the genre by given id. (8ms)
      âś“ Should return 404 when receive an invalid id (5ms)
      âś“ Should return 401 when user not logged in. (5ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 when genre name is less than 5 character (3ms)
      âś“ Should return 400 when genre name is more than 50 character (3ms)
      âś“ Should save the genres req is valid (7ms)
      âś“ Should return genre if req is valid (4ms)
      âś“ should return 401 if user not provided token (12ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if id not found (11ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if genre no name provided (10ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if genre name lessThan 5 character (13ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if genre name moreThan 50 character (14ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if genre name is valid (28ms)
      âś“ should update genre by the given id (9ms)
      âś“ should place updated genre into res.body (6ms)
      âś“ should return 401 if token not provided (4ms)
      âś“ should return 403 if user not admin (5ms)
      âś“ should return 404 if genre not found (5ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if user is admin and id is valid (6ms)
      âś“ should remove genre by given id if user is admin and id is valid (5ms)
      âś“ should send removed genre to the user (6ms)

 PASS  tests/integration/return.test.js
      âś“ should return 401 if user not logged in. (76ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if customerId is not provided (12ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if userId is not provided (8ms)
      âś“ should return 404 if no rental found for given customer or movie (11ms)
      âś“ should return 400 if rental already processed. (13ms)
      âś“ should return 200 if we have a valid  request (16ms)
      âś“ should set dateReturned on rental object if request is valid (17ms)
      âś“ should calculate rental fee (17ms)
      âś“ should increase number of movie in stock (17ms)
      âś“ should return rental if request is valid (13ms)

 PASS  tests/integration/authorization.test.js
    âś“ should return 401 if no token perovide (151ms)
    âś“ should return 400 if token is invalid (7ms)

info: listening on port 3000...
info: Connected to mongodb://localhost/vidly-test
 PASS  tests/unit/middlewares/authorization.test.js
    âś“ should place decoded into req.user if token is valid (3ms)

 PASS  tests/unit/models/user.test.js
    âś“ Should return a valid jwt by the given payload (2ms)

Built With

  • @types/jest
  • bcrypt
  • compression
  • config
  • debug
  • express
  • express-async-errors
  • fawn
  • helmet
  • joi
  • joi-objectid
  • joi-password-complexity
  • jsonwebtoken
  • lodash
  • moment
  • mongoose
  • morgan
  • pug
  • winston
  • winston-mongodb
  • jest
  • supertest

also linting using es-lint


I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Pouria Tajdivand -initial work -Mosh Hamedani


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Section One (Building RESTful API_s)

1. Environment variables:

  const port = process.env.PORT;
  export PORT=5000;

2. Route parameters:

  //req.params will return a string
  const course =
  courses.find(c=> === parseInt(
  courses.find(c=> ==

    1- route params eg.'localhost:3000/api/1380/2' app.get('/api/:year/:id',(req,res)=>{res.send(;

    2- route queryparams eg.'localhost:3000/api/2?sortByname=1' app.get('/api/:id',(req,res)=>{res.send(req.query)});

3. Response status:
  (req,res)=>res.status(404).send('404 not found')

	404 not found | 400 bad request | 200 Ok | 500 internal server failed | 401 UNAUTHORIZED(client error) | 403 forbidden |

4. Parsing json req.body:

  "in order to express can parse json in req.body need to enable app.use(express.json()) it's actually place a piece of middleware request processing pipe line"

5. input validation using joi:

 	const Joi = require('joi');
	const schema = {name:Joi.string().min(3).required()};
	const result = Joi.validate(req.body, schema);

6. There is six falsy values in JavaScript: undefined, null, NaN, 0, "" (empty string), and false;

Section Two (Express Advance Topics)

1. module.exports.log => add it to exports object || module.exports = log => make exports an single thing!

2. installing middleware into request pipe line:

3. parsing urlencoded body {key:value}
  app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended : true }))

4. serve static files:

5. helmet secure app by setting various header:

6. environment :
	process.env.NODE_ENV  by_default = undefined
  app.get('env')  by_default = development

  export NODE_ENV=production

7. config module:
	config is using to override various data for different env
	const config = require('config')
  eg. config.get('')

  use 'custom-environment-variables.json' to define costume env variables

8. debug module:
	const startupDebug = require('debug')('app:startup')
	const dbDebug = require('debug')('app:db')
  DEBUG=app:startup,app:db nodemon

9. using pug template engine
	app.set('view engine', 'pug') //express load this module
  app.set('views','./views')   //default path is './view ' override path to templates

	show a view and pass data into it:
  app.render('view', {title:'my title', massage: 'Hello World'})

10. Router:
	const router = express.Router()
	module.exports = router

	in index.js

Section Three (Asynchronous JavaScript)

1. error object:
  error = new Error('error message') -> console.log(error.message)  //error message

2. handle async javaScript:

  1-using callback functions:

	getUserName(1, getReposetories);

	function getUserName(id, callback) {
	  setTimeout(() => {
	    console.log("Get username from db...");
	    const username = [id];
	    callback(username, getCommit);
	  }, 2000);

	function getReposetories(username, callback) {
	  setTimeout(() => {
	    console.log("Get reposetories from github");
	    const repos = ["repo1", "repo2", "repo3"];
	    if (username[0] === 1) callback(repos);
	  }, 2000);

	function getCommit(repos) {
	  setTimeout(() => {
	    if (repos[0] === "repo1") console.log("Commit one");
	  }, 2000);

  2-define Promise

	const p = new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
               reject(new Error('error message');

	p.then( result => console.log(result)).catch( err => console.log(err.message))

	eg .


	  .then(username => getReposetories(username))
	  .then(repos => getCommit(repos[0]))
	  .then(commit => console.log(commit))
	  .catch(err => console.log(err.nessage));


	function getUserName(id) {
	  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	    setTimeout(() => {
	    }, 2000);

	function getReposetories(username) {
	  if (username === "username") {
	    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	      setTimeout(() => {
		resolve(["repo1", "repo2", "repo3"]);
	      }, 2000);

	function getCommit(repo) {
	  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	    setTimeout(() => {
	      resolve("this is a commit!");
	    }, 2000);

	2- Promise api:

	//is useful for unit testing and so on:
	const p = Promise.resolve('this is a value')
	// the promise is already resolved
	p.then(result => console.log(result))

	//Promise.all will resolve when all index of array that passed resolve for catch case will return first reject!
	const p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	  setTimeout(() => {
	    console.log("p1: Some async operations happening");
	    return resolve(1);
	  }, 2000);

	const p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	  setTimeout(() => {
	    console.log("p2: Some async operations happening");
	    return resolve(2);
	  }, 2000);

	Promise.all([p1, p2]).then(result => console.log(result)); // [1,2]

	//Promise.race will resolve as soon as each index of array that passed resolve
	Promise.race([p1, p2]).then(result => console.log(result)); // 1

	3- Async and await syntactical sugar
	// it can use await syntax every time we receive a promise:
	//the await should wrap by an async function




	async function logCommit(id) {
	  try {
	    const username = await getUserName(id);
	    const repos = await getReposetories(username);
	    const commit = await getCommit(repos[0]);
	  } catch (err) {

	function getUserName(id) {
	  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	    setTimeout(() => {
	    }, 2000);

	function getReposetories(username) {
	  if (username === "username") {
	    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	      setTimeout(() => {
		resolve(["repo1", "repo2", "repo3"]);
	      }, 2000);

	function getCommit(repo) {
	  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	    setTimeout(() => {
	      resolve("this is a commit!");
	    }, 2000);

Section Four (CRUD operation using MongoDB)

1. creating schema in mongoose:
	const courseSchema = mongoose.Schema({

  	data Type for creating schema :
  String, Number, Boolean, Array, Date, Buffer(for storing binary data), ObjectID(unique identifier)

2. creating Model in mongoose:
	const Course = mongoose.model('Course',courseSchema)
	//crating a course object:
	const course = new Course({
	//save the object is a promise!!
	const result = await

3. query builder in mongoose:

  const pageNumber = 2 ; const pageSize = 10;

	const courses = await Course.find({author:'Pouria'})
				.skipe(pageNumber - 1 * pageSize)
				.sort({name:-1}) or sort('-name')
				.select({name:1, author:1}) or select('name author')

	Comparison operators: $eq $neq $gt $gte $lt $lte $in $nin
	eg1. const course = await Course.find({price:{$gte:10, $lte:20}}
	eg2. const course = await Course.find({price:{$in:[10,20,50]})

	logical operators: or and
  const course = await Course.find().or([{author:'Pouria'},{isPublished:true}])

  Regular expressions(regex):

	eg. const course = await Course
					//start with Mosh
					.find({author: /^Mosh/})
					// end with Hamedani and case insensitive
					.find({author: /Hamedani$/i})
					//contains Mosh
					.find({author: /.*Mosh.*/})

4. import data in mongodb:

	mongoimport --db <dbname> --collection <collectionName> --file <file-name> --jsonArray

5. updating data by mongoose:
	// queryFirst approach:

	async function updateCourse(id){
	const course = await Course.findById(id);
	//findById return null in courseSchema set _id:String
	//way one: = 'Another name'
	course.price = 60
	//way two:
	name: 'Another name'
	price: 60
	return await

	//updateFirst approach

	async function updateCourse(id){
	return await Course.update({_id:id},{$set:{ isPublished: false }})

	async function updateCourse(id){
	return await Course.findByIdAndUpdate(id, {$set:{ isPublished:false }},{new:true}) //return new value to console

6. removing data in mongoose :
	// delete firs document by given filter
	await Course.deleteOne({isPublished: true});
	await Course.findByIdAndDelete(id);
	// dalete multipy document by given filter
	await Course.deleteMany({isPublished : false});

Section Five (DataValidation)

1. catch the UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning:
	try{return await}
	catch(err){return err.message }

2. some mongoose validations:

	new mongoose.model({
		isPublished: Boolean;
      required: function(){return this.isPublished}
      //it's not possible to use arrow function
			match : /^regex/
			enum : ['node','express','graphQl'] //only should be this values
			lowercase: true, //mongoose automaticlly convert document to lowecase,
			uppercase: true,
			trim : true,

			type: Number,
			min :10,
			max :30,
			get : v => Math.round(v); // is called when we read the value of a property
			set : v => Math.round(v); // is called when set the value of a property
			min: 1997,
			max: 2019

3. Costume validators:

    new mongoose.schema({
        type: Array,
          validator: function(value){ value && value.length > 0};
          message : 'Every course should have at least one tag '

4. Async validators:

   new mongoose.Schema({
      isAsync: true,
      validator: (v, callback)=>{
          v && v.length > 0;
      message: 'Every course should at least have one tag '

Section Six (Mongoose Modeling Relationships)

1. Referencing documents:
        const Author = new mongoose.model(
      name: String

  const Course = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({
      name: String,
      author: {
       type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
       ref : 'Author'  //collection that is referenced


  eg. async function getCourses(){
    return await Course.find().populate('author','-_id name').select('-_id name');

2. embedded document

  const Course = mongoose.model('Course',new mongoose.Schema({
    name : String,
      type : new mongoose.Schema({name: String}),
      required : true

  async function createCourse(name, author){
    const course = new Course({name, author});
    return await

  createCourse('Node js', new Author({name: 'Mosh' }))

  update embedded document:

 async function updateCourse(id){
  // approach one:
  const course = Course.findById(id) = 'Mosh Hamedani'
  return await
  //approach two:
  return await Course.update({_id:id},{$set:{       //{$unset:{author:''}}
    '' : 'Mosh hamedani'

3. Array of embedded documents:

   const Course = mongoose.model('Course',new mongoose.Schema({
    name: String,
    author:[ {type: new mongoose.Schema({name: String})} ]

   createCoures('React', [new Author({name: 'Mosh'}), new Author({name: 'Pouria'}))])

   // add an object

   async fucntion addAuthor(id, author){
    const course = await Course.findById(id)
    return await;

   // removing an object

   async function removeAuthor(id, authorId){
    const course = await Coures.findById(id);
    const author =;

4. Transaction


	fawn implement:
		const Fawn = require('fawn')
		// task object which is like the transaction
		new Fawn.Task()
			.save('rentals',rental) //('name of collection', 'object to save')
			.update('movies',{_id:},{$inc:{numberInStock: -1}}) //('name of collection',{which?},{opetator})
			.run() //it should set

5. objectID
	const id = mongoose.types.ObjectId() // create a objectID
	console.log(id.getTimeStamp , mongoose.types.ObjectId.isValid(id) )

	Validating ObjectId by joi

	Joi.objectId = require('objectId')(Joi)
	//into joi schema:

	customerId : Joi.objectId().required()

Section Seven (Authentication and Authorization)

1. modify response:
  //approach 1
  res.send({name :, email :})
  //approach 2 using loadash.pick
  res.send(_.picK(user,['name','email'])) //will return an object with given props

2. joi-password-complexity:
  const PasswordComplexity = require('joi-password-complexity')
	const complexityOption:{
		min: 10,
    max: 30,
    lowerCase: 1,
    upperCase: 1,
    numeric: 1,
    symbol: 1,
    requirementCount: 2
	return Joi.validate(value,new PasswordComplexity(complexityOptions))

3. hashing passwords
	const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')

	async function hashing(data){
		const salt = bcrypt.genSalt(10);
		return async bcrypt.hash(data,salt)
	//compare hash is valid:
		await,hash) //return true or false

4. JWT
	//sign a jwt
	const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
	const token = jwt.sign({_id:user._id},'jwtPrivateKey') //first arg === payload

	//if jwtPriveteKey not set:

		console.error('FATAL ERROR: jwtPrivateKey is not defined');
		process.exit(1) => // 0 === OK

5. setting res Header:

	res.header('x-auth-token','token').send('hello') //first arg is name of header second is payload

6. Adding methods to models

	const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
		name: String

	userSchema.methods.generateToken = function(){
		const _id = this._id //we can't user arrow function cuz this
		return _id;

	const user = mongoose.model('User',userSchema)

7. Authorization jwt
	//access header:
	const token = req.header('x-auth-token');

		const decoded = jwt.verify(token,'jwtPrivateKey')
		req.user = decoded

8. Protecting Routes'/', MIDDLEWARE or [middlewareOne , middlewareTwo], (req,res)=>{//})
	//middleware(s) will execute before next function

Section Eight(Handling and Logging Errors)

1. handling error by middlewares:
	// express error middleware should use after all middlewares.
	 	//log the exception 3.loggger
		res.status(500).send('something field.')

2. replace all try catch by middleware:
	// approach 1 using own asyncMiddleWare:
	async asyncMiddleWare(handler){
		return async (req,res,next)=>{
				await handler(req,res)

		(req,res)=> res.send(req.value)
	// approach 2 using express-async-errors

3. logging:

	setup 'winston@2.4.0**':
	const winston = require('winston');
	winston.add(winston.transports.File, {filename: 'logfile.log'});

	eg. winston.error(err.message, err) //second arg is metadata

	//logging level:
	1.winston.error 2.winston.warn 4.winston.verbose 5.winston.debug 6.winston.silly

// store errors in mongodb:
	npm i winston-mongodb@3.0.0


	winston.add(winston.transport.MongoDB, {db:'mongodb://localhost/playground',
																					level: 'info' //only level 1-3 will store}

4. handling uncaught exception // exception that happening in node level:

	process.on('uncaughtException', (ex) =>{
		console.log('UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION')
		winston.error(ex.message, ex)
		process.exit(1) //as best practice exit the process every time have uncouthError or rejection
// this approach only work with sync codes

5. handle promise rejection

		console.log('UNHADLED REJECTION');
		winston.error(err.message, err);

6. handle uncoughtExeption and unhandledRejection using winston: //not working ????

	winston.handleException( new winston.transport.File({filename: 'uncoughtException.log'})) //handle uncough exception

		throw ex;

Section Eight (Unit Testing)

1. intalling jest:
	npm i jest --save-dev  //flag is to not deploy dependency
	npm i @types/jest
	into package.json scripts:{"test":"jest"} or {"test":"test --watchAll"}

2. writing command:
		const result = function(1);

		"matcehers :"
		//Truthly	toBeNull  toBeUndefined  toBeDefined toBeTruthly toBeFalsy
		//Numbers	toBe toEqual toBeGreaterThan toBeGreaterThanOrEqual toBeLessThan toBeLessThanOrEqual toBeCloseTo
		//Strings toMatch toContain

3. grouping tests:


4. testing string should not be too specific eg. .toMatch(/Mosh/) or .toContain('Mosh')

5. testing array
			it('should return supported currencies',()=>{
				const result = getCurrncies()
				// too general

			// too specific
			// proper way
			//Ideal way

6. testing objects:
	1 //toBe compare the reference into memory too  but toEqual just compare equality:
		toBe({id : 1}) => not passed
		toEqual({id: 2}) => passed

	2 //test specific props
		expect(result).toMatchObject({id:1, name: 'ali'})

7. testing exceptions



8. creating Moke function
		// Unit testing should not related on external dependency:
			it('should discount totalPrice if customer point be more than 10', () => {
				const order = { customerId: 1, totalPrice: 20 };
				db.getCustomerSync = function(customerId) {
					return { id: customerId, points: 20 };

9. jest mock functions
			const mockFunctuion  = jest.fn()
			mockFunctuion.mokeRejectValue(new Error('...'))

			// mock functions matchers:
			expect(mockFunctuion).toHaveBeenCalledWith( args )

Section Nine(Integration testing)

1. see troubleShot in jest terminal : "script" {"test":"jest --watchAll --verbose"}

for mongoose error ./jest.config.js : module.exports = {testEnvironment: 'node'}

2.  winston-mongodb configuration cuz bug in integration test

2. in order to using database or other external dependency to will be needed to setup it s env:

	eg. config/test.json:
				{"db":"mongodb://localhost/vidly-test", "jwtPrivateKey": "123"}

3. in order to test express apk need to install supertest lib "npm i --save-dev supertest"

4. writing api tests:
	1 make sure to require server : let server = require('../index')
			*/ beforeEach() and afterEach()  funtions provided by jest will execude before and after test block:
					make sure run server and close it before and after integration test:

				eg. beforeEach(()=>{ server = require('../index'})
						afterEach(async()=> {await sever.close()}) */

	2 sending api req using supertest:
		const request = require('supertest')
			it('Should return all genres when send GET req',async()=>{
				const res = await request(server).get('api/genres');

5. add data to db and test it:
		beforeEach(async()=>{await server.close(), await Genre.deleteMany({})}) //make sure also remove db after test
		it('Should return all genres when send Get req',async()=>{
			await Genre.collection.insertMany([{name: "genre1"},{name: 'genre2'}] , (err, docs)=>{} ) //using to insert many data to mongodb.

			const res = await request(server).get('/api/genres')

			expect(res.body.some( g => === 'genre1')).toBeTruthy();
			expect(res.body.some(g => === 'genre2')).toBeTruthy();

6. send body using supertest => response= await request(server).post('/api/genres/').send({name: 'genre2'})

7. set the header of request using supertest => requst(server).post('/api/genres').set('x-auth-token', '123'):
	when using set method evething you pass as second arg will be an string eg: .set('x-auth-token', 'null' )

8. console.log(new Array(5).join('a')) 'aaaa'

9. enable jest coverage report "test": "jest --watchAll --verbose --coverage  "

10. port on use  "scripts": {"test": "jest --watchAll --verbose --forceExit --maxWorkers=1"},

Section Ten (Test Driven Development)

1. in oop two types of methods:
	Instance methods : available in instance of class eg. new User().genrateAuthToken()
	Static methods : directly available in class eg. Rental.lookup()

  add static method to mongoose model:

   rentalSchema.statics.lookup = function(customerId, movieId){ return this.findOne({'customer._id': customerId,'movie_id': movie_id})}

																		// it can t using arrow function here. cuz this
  • npm i helmet comperssion(use to compress http response to Client) app.use(helmet()) app.use(compression())


A practical node-express project in order to increase my backend implement skills using javaScript .







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