ESON is simple but powerful schema-less binary data format designed to handle Exa-scale data. Example includes graphics(e.g. geometry, volume and textures) and may also applicable for in-memory database and scientific data.
ESON is also designed to handle large-scale data efficiently for comming NVM(non-volatile memory) or SCM(storage-class memory) era.
C++ API is primarily provided.
0.2.0 (Jan 2015) 0.1.0 (Jul 2013)
Very unstable. Spec and API will change in the future.
$ make
$ ./eson_test
ESON design is strongly affected by
ESON C++ API is strongly affected by
- picojson
#include "eson.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
static void
eson::Value v;
double dbl = 1.234;
eson::Value vd(dbl);
double dbl2 = 3.4;
eson::Value vd2(dbl2);
int64_t i = 144;
eson::Value ival(i);
std::string name("jojo");
eson::Value sval(name);
char bindata[12];
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
bindata[i] = i;
eson::Value bval((const uint8_t*)bindata, 12);
eson::Object o;
o["abora"] = vd;
o["muda"] = vd2;
o["dora"] = ival;
o["name"] = sval;
o["bin"] = bval;
v = eson::Value(o);
// First calcuate required size for serialized data.
int64_t sz = v.Size();
uint8_t* buf = new uint8_t[sz]; // or use mmap() if sz is large.
uint8_t* ptr = &buf[0];
ptr = v.Serialize(ptr);
assert((ptr-&buf[0]) == sz);
FILE* fp = fopen("output.eson", "wb");
fwrite(buf, 1, sz, fp);
eson::Value ret;
std::string err = eson::Parse(ret, buf);
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cout << "err:" << err << std::endl;
eson::Value dval = ret.Get("muda");
printf("muda = %f\n", dval.Get<double>());
eson::Binary bin = ret.Get("bin").Get<eson::Binary>();
printf("bin len = %d\n", bin.size);
for (int i = 0; i < bin.size; i++) {
printf(" bin[%d] = %d\n", i, bin.ptr[i]);
delete buf;
var eson = require('eson-binary');
var fs = require('fs');
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
console.log("needs input.eson");
var buf = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2])
var b = eson.parse(buf);
- Efficiently serialize key table for better search performance.
- Make API Zero-Copy to reduce memory.
- Add serialize API in JavaScript API.
- Support 2GB+ size in JavaScript API.
Currently we are planning to use lz4 compression for lossless binary data. Lossy compression is also planned. Sengcom seems good idea for lossy compression.
- Wavelet compression for floating point data – Sengcom
Syoyo Fujita(
ESON C++ API and JavaScript library is licensed under 3-clause BSD license.
- lz4 is licensed under 2-clause BSD license.