It is the rails capstone project and is compulsory to master the ruby on rails curriculum. This project is all about articles like a blog app.
It's an app for articles.
As a guest user:
- You will be able to create account/log in.
- You will be able to see all articles of other users.
- You will not able to write your article.
- You will not able to give a vote to an article.
As a logged-in user:
- You will be able to write your article.
- You will be able to vote for an article.
- Ruby 2.7.1
- Rails
- VS Code
In order to make the program work, you need to have ruby interpreter installed in your system. You can get the latest version of ruby from official website.
To get a local copy of the repository please run the following commands on your terminal:
$ cd lifesyle-articles
$ git clone
$ cd lifestyle-articles
$ bundle install
$ yarn install --check-files
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed
$ rails s
Muhammad Talha Waqar
- Github: @talhawaqar
- Linkedin: @Muhammad Talha Waqar
- Twitter: @MuhammadTalhaW4
- email: (
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- Rails Guides
- Thanks for this Website Design Nelson Sakwa .