Tamago Protocol is a multi-chain P2P universal asset trading protocol powered by Filecoin/IPFS networks. It helps anyone create off-chain entries contain assets to be prices and terms and link them to the EVM-based blockchain via the Merkle tree root's hash support of ERC-20, ERC-721 and ERC-1155, after the order is set, potential buyers can check the details retrieved from IPFS and further generate a proof to swap the asset in a decentralized manner.
A spinned off project for AI-artworks : https://github.com/tamago-labs/promptsea-project
- Ethereum Soldiity, Hardhat - Smart Contract
- React, Node.js, Merkletree.js, ethers.js, web3-react libraries - Frontend and handy scripts
- Filecoin/IPFS via NFT.storage - Persist of JSON entries
- Moralis - Catch and store events emitted from the contract
Blockchain runs computations on all nodes of the network, resulting in high costs to implement a truly P2P marketplace that any type of tokens can be traded as the surge of GameFi/Metaverse popularity we yet have no sustainable solution to trade gamefi items from one platform to another without exchange them into high-volatile native tokens first.
A payload is basically the core element of the project defining the way to store asset information to be traded, the Merkle tree root's hash will be created upon its data and attach to the contract.
"category": Name of the category,
"timestamp": Timestamp,
"chainId": Chain ID of the base asset,
"ownerAddress": Wallet address of the owner,
"baseAssetAddress": Contract address of the NFT or ERC-20,
"baseAssetTokenIdOrAmount": NFT's Token ID or ERC-20 amount,
"baseAssetTokenType": Asset Type - 0 - ERC-20, 1 - ERC-721, 2- ERC-1155,
"barterList": [
"assetAddress": Contract address of the NFT or ERC-20 to be traded,
"assetTokenIdOrAmount": NFT's Token ID or ERC-20 amount to be traded,
"tokenType": Asset Type to be traded,
"chainId": Chain ID of the asset to be traded
One of the example payload: https://bafkreiayczhsojnlcm7ra6iok6wpwlxznwtfsfzhbrxftog4fxdgq4rkvq.ipfs.nftstorage.link/
After the entry is uploaded successfully on IPFS, the merkle tree will be contructed using Keccak for hashing CID
, chainId
, assetAddress
, assetTokenIdOrAmount
into a fixed 256-bits long string. The leaves are rolled out the lowest leaf up to the root hash. When buying, the buyer generates a proof with his/her owned asset that matched a list of assets made by the seller in order to swap the asset in a decentralized manner.
The non-cross-chain transaction requires a contract marketplace.sol
to keeps track of all arbitrary entities, root hashes submitted by its users while multi-chain transactions we seperate the contract into gateway.sol
that wrapped the marketplace contract with cross-chain capability, it works by off-chain validator nodes that run by the scripts under the /script
folder, the validator acts as agents that translate off-chain arbitrary data from IPFS then batch available outstanding requests into a single batch request and submit to every gateway contracts in the system.
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0xf2260B00250c772CB64606dBb88d9544F709308C |
Factory | 0x5eCD2Af4bc20DEebF12f332Eb4812289e3CB9c99 |
Ticket | 0x505D3E62045829a133D0384f75c8fb4c856A94DB |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0x260fC7251fAe677B6254773d347121862336fb9f |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0xC8def0BE43D35a247e03EEd09C9afBd5FC866769 |
Factory | 0x5eCD2Af4bc20DEebF12f332Eb4812289e3CB9c99 |
Ticket | 0x505D3E62045829a133D0384f75c8fb4c856A94DB |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0x7D17d5903eDEdB8597c9343c94FeD74E93589e47 |
Factory | 0xb1780D5F7154ce904FA3D164D9Ed63005245c2b9 |
Ticket | 0xf6A61A2CfCE9F55F4eC19EeBd2750E1C627E6D13 |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0xd0B14b314B6B983889b68E6EA307BF210156A050 |
Factory | 0x5d5b6e0af587633b41eaa89de0a60b3052a13f21 |
Ticket | 0x774DCAB6C0a3e820FAd0a96125Da231685943741 |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0x334aB2599bC5ABEbAcA54C3E8aF68ee94Ad586fD |
Gateway | 0xD84cE28B4D502237c518328230c39E8A371121a5 |
Ticket | 0xFdB35092c0cf5e1A5175308CB312613972C3DF3D |
Factory | 0x5F7392Ec616F829Ab54092e7F167F518835Ac740 |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0x7D17d5903eDEdB8597c9343c94FeD74E93589e47 |
Gateway | 0xbF06fEC9271B2440E8f3Be87392e2415025Cd4A9 |
Ticket | 0x5578D955DC00d2155Ad3420bd1D3b064F6a6F084 |
Factory | 0xe03dFA1B78e5A25a06b67C73f32f3C8739ADba7c |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0xbF06fEC9271B2440E8f3Be87392e2415025Cd4A9 |
Gateway | 0x5F7392Ec616F829Ab54092e7F167F518835Ac740 |
Ticket | 0x2e3D4D9be3a74bfB2D1B61c52018556f7B67d36A |
Factory | 0x772195938d86fcf500dF18563876d7Cefcf47e4D |