This repository contains install and run(locally and on Grid) instructions for the following event generators:
- MadGraph5: Simulation of fixed-order matrix element.
- Pythia8: Simulation of parton shower based on perturbative QCD.
To install the above softwares go to the requirements directory and execute the corresponding install scripts.
If you are making these installation on your local pc, make sure you have the prerequisites already installed.
Try installing the latest verion of the following
- Root6
- FastJet
- Clone the repository using https or ssh
git clone
- Create your own local branch and start working on it
cd event-generators
git branch <name_of_your_branch>
git checkout <name_of_your_branch>
- Go to the requirements directory and install the generator of your interest.
cd requirements
source install-<software_of_interest>
Note: Source the install script with the source command. If installing on a local pc change the LHAPDF_DATA_PATH in the install scripts
The above will make a local installation of the software of your interest in the corresponding directories
Tamasi Kar, University of Heidelberg