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Version 3

¡Támb! edited this page May 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

We are currently working on v3 of Domponent.

There are going to be several major enhancements to v3.

  1. We will be adding Element attribute binding. (This will be limited but will be incredibly useful... trust us)
  2. We will be adding additional lifecycle methods for rendering HTML on the client. The hooks should have access to state and props. You can then use handlebars, mustache, or something to template HTML. This will probably offer support for custom tags <my-component> and they will be replaced with specified markup. The next step will be wiring up the rest of the component.
  3. Really analyze the code-base for where we can use composition instead of inheritance. This could expose some areas where we can create helper methods to be exported and expand the library
  4. We are looking into creating a Firefox Extension for debugging.
  5. We desperately need more examples to expand our reach

We are looking for more contributors

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