Experimenting with AdventureWorks on your local system + JDBC connectivity, JAVA GUI
Download AdventureWorks database from
and unzip it to produce AWBackup.sql.
AdventureWorks is an example database made public by Microsoft.
Create a docker directory with the docker-compose.yml file provided here.
Note: username root, password: password
You MUST change the above in the docker-compose.yml file for security.
In the examples below, I will assume that the default password is used.
You will use these credentials to connect to your MySQL server
Move the AWBackup.sql file to this directory.
See https://medium.com/@chrischuck35/how-to-create-a-mysql-instance-with-docker-compose-1598f3cc1bee
Start the container
run (run with sudo for Linux/MacOS)
docker-compose up -d
Populate your MySQL server with the data. You only need to do this once.
run (run with sudo for Linux/MacOS)
mysql --host --port 3306 -u root -ppassword < AWBackup.sql
this will take a while, and once it is done, you'll be dropped back to your prompt
Login to your MySQL server
Important: first, install the mysql client if you have not installed it.
Ubuntu: sudo apt install mysql-client CentOS/RHL: sudo dnf install mysql MacOS: brew install mysql-client
mysql --host --port 3306 -u root -ppassword
Try out some commands
in the MySQL prompt, type
use adventureworks; show tables; show columns from customer; select * from customer where AccountNumber="AW00029475";
Stop the container when you're done
docker-compose stop
When you start the container again later and connect to your MySQL server, you will find that the adventureworks DB is alive and well. Don't forget to do
use adventureworks;