Sockpuppet is a boilerplate for a project which uses...
- RequireJS modules
- Marionette.js for the MVC framework
- Stylus as the CSS preprocessor
- Node.js/IO.js as the backend
- as the link between the client and the server
- Lo-Dash as a drop-in replacement for underscore.js
- Grunt.js to build the project
Before you can use this, you will need to install Grunt.
You can install it by running npm install -g grunt-cli
Other dependencies are installed when you run npm install
The src
folder contains the source files for the client.
Run grunt
or grunt build
to builds the client under build/
Run grunt release
to build the client under build/
and then create an optimized release under release/
The current server-side code is meant as a simplified example.
node server
starts the server on port 80 and serves client files from release/
node server debug
starts the server on port 3000 and serves client files from build/
, useful when you want to debug the client using the browser.
After starting the server, you can navigate to http://localhost or http://localhost:3000 and you should see the demo page.
folder contains 3rd-party libraries. Update them manually if they are out-of-date.
You can use un-minified libraries, grunt release
will minify everything for you.
- Add Sock.sync to use with models and collections automatically.
- Add a simple messenger example to demonstrate Sock.sync.
- Pages do not need a controller. The Page class should extend LayoutView for convenience.