VACCA is a versatile Control System Navigator tool built on top of the Taurus framework. It was developed by Sergi Rubio ( as the VACuum Control Application for ALBA Synchrotron.
It provides:
- Enhanced control system navigation, interactive browsing between synoptic, device tree, panels and device searching tools.
- A customizable interface, allowing user groups to have different views and configure and save their own perspectives.
- Control over tango devices and other tango services like Archiving, Astor/Starter or Tango DB properties.
- Filters at Device/Attribute/Command level, to display only the devices/attributes users are interested in.
Since Vacca 2.0 the application is build on top of taurus-gui. Its default setup includes 4 initial perspectives combining tree, synoptic, device panel, attribute grids, taurus trends and some common vacuum panels like pressure/temperature profiles.
All dependencies and User Manual are available from
- Tango:
- PyTango:
- Taurus:
- Fandango:
Optional dependencies:
- ...
Copy vacca folder to a folder in your PYTHONPATH Copy ./vaccagui script to a folder in your PATH Copy to and edit your default options (follow comments in the file)
For a fast way to test VACCA, try the ELINAC example:
- bin/vaccagui : a launcher script
- vaccagui : an application definition for taurusgui
- vaccagui.__init__ : it loads the contents of vacca.config module
- vaccagui/default.ini : 4 perspectives by default (from showing all widgets to minimal for small screens)
- vacca : the main module
The idea is to have general config in (ORGANIZATION_LOGO, EXTRA_APPS, ...) and use another file to customize to your beamline/system. Copy to; modify variables like JDRAW_FILE, COMPOSER, GRID, DEVICE, GAUGES, ... Remove all variables you don't need to modify (if ORGANIZATION_LOG is the same for all do not have it declared in many files)
- Launch the gui as:
- ./vaccagui path/to/
Path to your file must be absolute or relative from "vacca" module location. If no config file is passed as argument the application will try to open $ if exists (lazy deployment).
Creating a new default.ini:
To create a new default file for QSettings you have to remember that models must be clean up for Tree, Gauges and Profile widgets; if not the default file will not behave properly.