- Problem Statement- Analyze key indicators for pizza sales to gain insights into business organization's performance such as Total Revenue, Total Orders, Total Pizzas sold, Average Order Value, Average Pizzas per Order etc. Additionally, the project proceeds to analyze daily and monthly trends, Sales trends and Pizaa popularity for different categories.
- Tools Used- MS Excel, SQL Server, Microsoft Power BI.
- Dataset- https://github.com/tanjotveer-98/Pizza_Sales_Performance_Project/blob/d880b9624a93fae1fd881eb84e21340c3b1f6a86/pizza_sales.csv
- Used data aggregation using group by, order by, sum, average, CTEs, window functions to perform data analysis.
- SQL Queries File- https://github.com/tanjotveer-98/Pizza_Sales_Performance_Project/blob/43301de64f4f33b102574cb3da40f23a5926647b/SQL_Sales_Queries.sql
- SQL Report -- https://github.com/tanjotveer-98/Pizza_Sales_Performance_Project/blob/43301de64f4f33b102574cb3da40f23a5926647b/SQL_Sales_Report.pdf
- Used DAX, Power Query, Visualization tools in Power BI to generate an interactive report.
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