This repository contains code for a smart greenhouse controlled by a Raspberry Pi Zero W. It handles sensing the temperature, humidity, and soil moisture levels inside a greenhouse, and adjusting fan speeds, water pump speeds, and window angles accordingly.
- Raspberry Pi Zero W as main control board. We flash this with Raspbian Lite and solder a header onto the GPIO pins
- DHT11 temperature/humidtity sensor
- YL-69 analog soil moisture sensor - this also needs an MCP3008 or similar ADC for the Raspberry Pi to read it, since the Pi doesn't have an onboard ADC
- Fans, pumps, maybe a servo
All nodes communicate over Redis pubsub. Each sensor has an associated publisher service (for example,
) that read the sensor value from the GPIO pin and publishes it to a sensor_msgs/<name>
topic on Redis. Consumer nodes subscribe to those sensor_msgs
topics and do some action - for example, if the temperature is too high, we might turn a fan on.
- Install Docker on the Raspberry Pi:
# Install docker
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $(id -un)
- Install docker-compose to manage all the services
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y python3 python3 pip
pip3 install docker-compose
- Overcommit memory for redis:
echo "vm.overcommit_memory=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
docker-compose up -f greenhouse-compose.yaml -d