GUI Based Vocabulary Building Program
- A Simple And Effective Way To Learn And Remember Vocabularies.
now you can systematically keep a record of all the words which you've learned along with its meaning and synonyms which will help you to remember them and to check your progress in learning vocabulary.
Features :
1. Vocabuilder is designed to keep track of your learned words systematically arranged based on categories
which will allow you to check off the right word at the right time if in case you forget a word and need it sometime.
2. Very Simple To Use.
Some Images :
Will Be Added In Next Version :
- Graphical Based Tracking System Of Your Progress.
- Security Mechanism To Avoid Access Unauthorized Access.
Module Used :
PyQt5 : To Provide Graphical User Interface. Threading : To Perform More Than One Task Parallely. Custom Libs : To Provide Addition Functionalities. Buildin Libs
Known Bugs :
Problem In Removing Catagory Completey (ie. you have to delete catagory file from data folder)
It Will Be Solved In Next Version Of This Program.