An web-application to visualize common algorithms on graphs
This is a web application for the visualization of varoius graph-based algorithms. As of the latest version, the application includes Dijkstra's Algorithm. There are plans to develop the application for Kruskal's and Prim's Algorithms as well.
Yong Zhi Tan (
Hi! I am currently a sophomore major in computer engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). I started this project during the winter break of my sophomore year as a process for me to familiarize with the important commonly used graph-based algorithms. Feel free to contact me with any questions/feedback regarding this project.
- - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- - A dynamic, browser based visualization library
Before we begin, please make sure that you have the following installed:
After cloning the repo, navigate to the project folder.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run application:
npm start
This project is still under development and does not have a fully-functioning release version. THe project will not receive constant updates, and will only be updated sporadically.