Terraform module which creates CCE resources on Open Telekom Cloud.
These types of resources are supported:
This module uses the terraform-terraform-label
to implement a strict naming convention. For more information see:
This module supports Terraform 0.12 and newer.
module "cce" {
source = "tarak/cce/opentelekomcloud"
availability_zones = ["eu-de-01", "eu-de-02", "eu-de-03"]
key_pair = "test-keypair"
master_flavor_id = "cce.s2.small"
namespace = "acme"
nodes_count = 3
nodes_data_volume_size = 100
nodes_flavor_id = "s2.large.2"
nodes_root_volume_size = 40
stage = "prod"
subnet_id = "c8bf456e-e3d8-440a-826e-17b27d845487"
vpc_id = "d3f0ca34-b3a9-401b-b14b-262e643163e1"
- Tarak Blah - Initial work
- Thomas Heil - Contributor