git clone
Kubuntu 13.04
- Java 7 JDK (Basically any JDK e.g. openjdk or Oracle)
- Maven 3.1.1
- Git
- MySQL Server 5.5.35-0ubuntu0.13.10.1
Use the following command to install the necessary software on your Kubuntu Box:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk openjdk-7-jre maven mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common
git clone
git checkout aws
- Setup Mysql, create Database 'AIC13G3P3' (utf8_bin) and User 'AIC13G3P3' with password 'AIC13G3P3' and grant all rigths to the database.
- Copy file '/src/main/resources/aic13g3p3.proerties.template' to '/src/main/resources/' and adjust the necessary configurations.
- Copy file '/src/main/resources/twitter4j.proerties.template' to '/src/main/resources/' and fill in the secrets Twitter.
- Copy file '/src/main/resources/aws.proerties.template' to '/src/main/resources/' and fill in the secrets for Amazon AWS.
- You may change MySQL Config here: /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/dispatcher-servlet.xml
- If you don't want the DB to be created from scratch every time you start the application, you may also change the property "" from "create-drop" to "update" in the file "dispatcher-servlet.xml" AND in the file '/src/main/java/at/ac/tuwien/infosys/aic13/cloudscale/service/'
- You have to start webapp and cloudscale-app seperately (e.g. use two different terminals):
- Start Jetty and webapp: run mvn compile jetty:run from the project's main directory.
- Start cloudscale app: run mvn exec:exec
- Start your browser and type http://localhost:8080/G3P3/
- To stop the system write end into the java-console of the cloudscale-app (Important, else you have to kill all processes manually).
You can change between local Cloudscale run and AWS run by changing the property g3p3.cloudScale.configurationProvider in the file aic13g3p3.proerties (see above)
- For a quick start, you can create a set of companies (= twitter hastags) and some example queries by pressing the Button "Create queries".
- You can also create manually companies (= twitter hashtags) by providing a name and pressing "Register Company".
- On the start page you see also the list of companies. Press on a link to see all queries for the given company.
- On a company's page all queries are shown and you can create a new query with a date range for twitter sentiment analysis.
- After you've started a query it takes a while and the result is shown in the list.
- Goole group:!forum/aic13g3p3
More Infos in the wiki