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Yat Partner Integration iOS Framework

This framework is designed to make it easy for Yat partners to integrate the Yat purchase or connect flows into their apps.


  • iOS 13.0+
  • Swift 5


Using Cocoapods

You can use CocoaPods to install YatLib by adding it to your Podfile:


target 'MyApp' do
    pod 'YatLib'


  1. Create your app, add YatLib as a pod dependency as described above, and do a pod install.

  2. YatLib uses deep links to return from the Yat web application back to the application. The URL scheme of the deep link is agreed upon between the Yat development team and the integration partner. Setup your deep links in your project accordingly.

    1. Select your project in the project browser.
    2. Select your app target under Targets.
    3. Select the Info tab and expand the URL types section.
    4. Click the + button, and enter the app's URL scheme into the URL Schemes text box.
  3. Open SceneDelegate.swift file, and update and add the below functions:

    import UIKit
    import YatLib
    final class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {
        func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
            Yat.configuration = YatConfiguration(appReturnLink: "{app_return_link}", organizationName: "{organization_name}", organizationKey: "{organization_key}")
        func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) {
            guard let url = URLContexts.first?.url else { return }
            Yat.integration.handle(deeplink: url)
        // ... rest of the implementation ...

    The app return link, organization name, and organization key will be delivered to you by the Yat development team.


    Yat is an integration entry point. It contains all the tools necessary to configure, style, integrate, and interact with API.


    To configure the integration, you need to pass a new configuration to the Yat.configuration (please check the Setup section above for more information).


    You can change the style (colors, fonts, etc.) of the UI elements used by the framework by changing values stored in


    Yat.integration exposes convenience methods to present a unified UI that allows the user to connect his crypto wallet address to Yat.

    To show a simple onboarding overlay, you need to:

        Yat.integration.showOnboarding(onViewController: hostViewController, records: records)

    Where hostViewController is a UIViewController that will host the modal overlay, and records is an array of YatRecordInput structures that will be attached to the user's Yat.

    To properly handle the response after the success. you simply add:

        Yat.integration.handle(deeplink: url)

    in SceneDelagate.swift. Please check the Setup section above for more information.


    Yat.api provides all the convenience methods used to directly communicate with the Yat API. Currently, YatLib provides methods that handle API calls listed below:

    GET /emoji_id/{yat}/{symbol}

    Fetch all records associated with Yat for the provided symbol.

    To use this endpoint, you should call one of these methods:

    fetchRecords(forYat yat: String, symbol: String, result: @escaping (Result<LookupEmojiIDWithSymbolResponse, APIError>) -> Void)

    Example - Regular request:

    Yat.api.fetchRecords(forYat: "👒🍥🍬♐🕌", symbol: "XTR") { result in
        switch result {
        case let .success(response):
            // Handle response
        case let .failure(error):
            // Handle failure

    fetchRecordsPublisher(forYat yat: String, symbol: String) -> AnyPublisher<LookupEmojiIDWithSymbolResponse, APIError>

    Example - Regular request with Apple's Combine:

    Yat.api.fetchRecordsPublisher(forYat: "👒🍥🍬♐🕌", symbol: "XTR")
        .sink { completion in
            // Handle completion/failure
        } receiveValue: { response in
            // Handle response
        .store(in: &cancelables)

    GET /emoji_id/{yat}/json/{key}

    Fetch the key-value store associated with the provided Yat. It returns a different data set depending on the provided dataType.

    To use this endpoint, you should call one of these methods:

    func fetchFromKeyValueStore<T: LoadJsonDataContainer>(forYat yat: String, dataType: T.Type, result: @escaping (Result<LoadJsonResponse<T>, APIError>) -> Void)

    Example - Regular request:

    Yat.api.fetchFromKeyValueStore(forYat: "👒🍥🍬♐🕌", dataType: VisualizerFileLocations.self) { result in
        switch result {
        case let .success(response):
            // Handle response
        case let .failure(error):
            // Handle failure

    func fetchFromKeyValueStorePublisher<T: LoadJsonDataContainer>(forYat yat: String, dataType: T.Type) -> AnyPublisher<LoadJsonResponse<T>, APIError>

    Example - Regular request with Apple's Combine:

    Yat.api.fetchFromKeyValueStorePublisher(forYat: "👒🍥🍬♐🕌", dataType: VisualizerFileLocations.self)
        .sink { completion in
            // Handle completion/failure
        } receiveValue: { response in
            // Handle response
        .store(in: &cancelables)


Yat integration framework for iOS.







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