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What tools/frameworks do we use?

  • Kotlin - our language of choice
  • Gradle - our build system of choice (using groovy)
  • Ktor - for creating web application
  • ExposedSQL - to access database
  • HikariCP - for high-performance JDBC connection pool
  • Koin - for dependency injection
  • PostgreSQL - for database
  • HOCON - for application configuration
  • Gson - for JSON serialization/deserialization


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Run server with docker

You can get the .env file from pm Muslim or directly from draft repository. (Don't ask me why I did this and not this. I don't know myself)

Default listen ports:

  • backend: 7000
  • database: 7100

Requirements for Windows users

  1. docker
  2. gradle
  3. cmder (I am not joking, it's really necessary tool)


Just type one simple command for up whole server (Currently unstable, if do nothing or exit with error see full instruction section)

muslim do-magic

Full instruction

gradlew clean build 
gzip -d -k assets/*.gz OR manually unzip
docker compose create --build
docker compose start tms-database
cat assets/*sql | docker exec -i tms-database psql -U seasky-developer -d tms
docker compose start tms-backend

Explanation of each row

  1. Build fat.jar
  2. Unzip database dump
  3. Create services from zero
  4. Run database
  5. Copy all data from sql file and put it on psql as dev to insert dump to tms database
  6. Run backend

Cheat sheet

create extension "uuid-ossp" //Extension for generate uuid's
create extension "pgcrypto" //Extension for encode values especially passwords

gradlew clean build -x test //Exclude test task when build

docker exec -i $container pg_dump -U $user -d $database -p $port > dump.sql //Create db dump from container. Passed options (-U user; -d database; -p listen port)
docker exec -i $container pg_dump -U $user -d $database -p $port | gzip -9 > dump.sql.gz //With compress. Passed option (-9 or --best best compress value)
docker exec -i $container pg_dump -U $user -d $database -p $port > dump_%date%_%time:~0,8%.sql //With current datetime.

docker exec -i tms-database pg_dump -U seasky-developer -d tms | gzip -9 > assets/dump_%date%.sql.gz

cat *.sql | docker exec -i $container psql -U $user -d $database //Restore db dump into container


Database rules

  1. Name of the tables in the singular.

  2. For multiple words use snake_case for both table and column names.

  3. Override default constraint names, ex. in table below.

    Name Value Example
    Primary Key pk_$tableName_$columnName constraint pk_user
    primary key(id)
    Foreign Key fk_$tableName_$columnName_$referenceColumnName constraint fk_user_role_id_id
    foreign key(role_id)
    references role(id)
    Unique uq_$tableName_$columnName constraint uq_user_username
    Check ch_$tableName_$columnName constraint ch_user_username
    check(length(username) >= 4)

    For multiple definitions separate column name with '_' sign, ex. pk_$tableName_$columnName0_$columnName1_#columnNameN

  4. For UUID tables use extension uuid-ossp, for default value use a fourth version of uuid generator.


    create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";
    create table user(
       id uuid default uuid_generate_v4(),
  5. For a password storing use pgcrypto extension.


    create extension if not exists "pgcrypto";
    create table "user"(
       "password" text not null,
    insert into "user"(username, password)
    values('username', crypt('pass', gen_salt('bf')))
    select username, (password = crypt('pass', password)) as password_match from "user"