This small service allows you to connect queues to Taskforce acting as a proxy between your queues and the UI. It is useful for connecting local development queues as well as production grade queues without the need of sharing passwords or establishing SSH tunnels.
Currently the connector supports Bull and BullMQ queues.
The connector is designed to be lightweight and using a minimal set of resources from the local queues.
Using yarn
yarn global add taskforce-connector
Using npm:
npm install -g taskforce-connector
Call the tool and get a help on the options:
✗ taskforce --help
Usage: taskforce [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-n, --name [name] connection name [My Connection] (default: "My Connection")
-t, --token [token] api token (get yours at
-p, --port [port] redis port [6379] (default: "6379")
--tls [tls] (default: "Activate secured TLS connection to Redis")
-h, --host [host] redis host [localhost] (default: "localhost")
-d, --database [db] redis database [0] (default: "0")
--username [username] redis username
--passwd [passwd] redis password
--spasswd [spasswd] redis sentinel password
-u, --uri [uri] redis uri
--team [team] specify team where to put the connection
-b, --backend [host] backend domain [] (default: "wss://")
-s, --sentinels [host:port] comma-separated list of sentinel host/port pairs
-m, --master [name] name of master node used in sentinel configuration
-h, --help output usage information
--nodes [nodes] comma-separated list of cluster nodes uris to connect to (Redis Cluster)
--queues <queues> optional comma-separated list of queues to monitor
--queuesFile <queuesFile> optional file with queues to monitor
✗ taskforce -n "transcoder connection" -t 2cfe6a1b-5f0e-466f-99ad-12f51bea79a7
The token 2cfe6a1b-5f0e-466f-99ad-12f51bea79a7
is a private token that can be retrieved at your Taskforce account.
After running the command, you should be able to see the connection appear automatically on the dashboard.
Sentinel Example:
✗ taskforce -n "transcoder connection" -t 2cfe6a1b-5f0e-466f-99ad-12f51bea79a7 -s sentinel1.mydomain:6379,sentinel2.mydomain:6379 -m mymaster
Note: You can also specify the following with environment variables.
sentinel-password REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWD
sentinels REDIS_SENTINELS (comma separated list of sentinels)
nodes REDIS_NODES (comma separated list of nodes for Redis Cluster)
To enable use if TLS when using the container set this environment variable:
Note for Redis Cluster: You may also need to specify following with environment variables.
Cluster TLS Certificate REDIS_CLUSTER_TLS
If your redis cluster still cannot connect due to failing certificate validation, you may need to pass this env to skip cert validation.
Services that support TLS can also be used using the connector, use the --tls
flag. Note that some services such as Heroku expects the port number to be "one more" than the normal unencrypted port read more.
You can use the connector to spawn queue connections to any team that you created on your organization, just pass the team name as an option:
✗ taskforce -n "transcoder connection" -t 2cfe6a1b-5f0e-466f-99ad-12f51bea79a7 --team "my awesome team"
It is also possible to add the connector as a library:
As a commonjs dependency:
const { Connect } = require("taskforce-connector");
const taskforceConnection = Connect("my connection", "my token", {
host: "my redis host",
port: "my redis port",
password: "my redis password",
or as a es6 module:
import { Connect } from "taskforce-connector";
const taskforceConnection = Connect("my connection", "my token", {
host: "my redis host",
port: "my redis port",
password: "my redis password",
If you are using the On Premises version of Taskforce, you can also specify the backend domain:
const taskforceConnection = Connect(
"my connection",
"my token",
host: "my redis host",
port: "my redis port",
password: "my redis password",
"My Prod Team", // optional team name