Configuration files and scripts I use in my computing.
- Distro - Arch Linux
- Shell - zsh + zsh-theme-powerlevel10k
- Terminal - Alacritty
- WM - i3-wm.
- Status bar - i3blocks
- Launcher - rofi
- File Manager - lf
- Image viewer and manga reader - nsxiv
- Manga OCR - transformers-ocr
- Video player - mpv + scripts
- Renaming files - vidir
- Volume - pamixer
- Music - mpd+ncmpcpp
- Passive immersion - impd
- Preview images in terminal - ueberzug / ueberzugpp
- RSS reader - newsboat
- Various scripts in ~/.local/bin/
- Handy aliases and functions
I assume you run a distro based on Arch Linux. If not, I can't guarantee all the scripts and configs will work. You can still fork this repo and adjust them for your needs, if necessary.
Run the following commands in order.
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules "" ~/dots
cp -rfT ~/dots ~/
cp -rf ~/.git ~/.config/dotfiles
rm -rf -- ~/dots ~/.git
Then relogin.
Use the dot command to manage your dotfiles.
For example, dot status
or dot add <file>
For more information, see
Tracking dotfiles with Git.
Certain config files, parts of files and scripts are based on voidrice.