- Create CSV files of protein tertiary structures as explained in the paper (see the license file). Three example-CSV files representing one protein have been uploaded to "SG" and "OG" folders.
- Call the "Maper" function in Data.lua
- Set up your preferred parameters by runing the Training.lua as follows:
$ th Training.lua [Parameters]
-positive Positive directory [OG_Map]
-negative Negative Directory [SG_Map]
-neutral Neutral Directory [UR_Map]
-GPU preferred GPU [1]
-nGPU No of GPUs [1]
-kernel Kernels for convolution layers [16,32,32,64,64]
-stride Stride values for Pooling [4,2,2,2]
-hidden Hidden Layers [100,50]
-iterations No of iterations [1]
-batchSize Batch size [10]
-learningRate Learning rate [0.01]
-learningRateDecay Learning rate decay [1e-05]
-momentum Weight change history [0.6]
-weightDecay regularizer parameter [0.0001]
-cuda Use Cuda [false]
-p Kernel Size [7]
-trainSize Training Samples [2029]
-testSize Testing Samples [350]
-validSize Validation Samples [0]
-model Model File [Model.t7]
-result Test Results of Target vs Predict [ResTest.dat]
We only considered one GPU for this example. If you want to use more GPUs, please update the Training.lua by adding the DataParallelTable ...
Tavanaei Amirhossein, Anandanadarajah Nishanth, Anthony Maida, and Rasiah Loganantharaj, "A Deep Learning Model for Predicting Tumor Suppressor Genes and Oncogenes from PDB Structure", doi: 10.1101/177378, bioRxiv, 2017.