I'm Gustavo, a Mexico-based software developer with 15+ years of experience. I'm passionate about building software that helps people and businesses.
using GustavoBarrientos;
class Bio : SoftwareDeveloper {
string Name => "Gustavo Barrientos";
string Title => "Software Engineer";
string Location => "Monterrey, Nuevo León, México";
Uri Blog => new Uri("https://www.barrientos.io");
class Skills : SoftwareDeveloper {
List<string> Languages => ["C#", "JS", "TypeScript", "Objective-C", "PHP"];
List<string> Databases => ["MySQL", "MSSQL", "CosmosDB", "Neo4j"];
List<string> Frameworks => ["Angular", "Asp.Net", "Astro"];
List<Cloud> Cloud => [
Name = "Azure",
skills = [
"Service Bus",
"Azure Functions",
"Azure BlobStorage",
"Azure Container Apps",
"Azure OpenAI"
I also you can find me in my blog: https://barrientos.io