Guile-OSC is a Guile wrapper for liblo, enabling Open Sound Control clients and servers to be implemented from Scheme.
You will need the development files for Guile and liblo installed, as well as Meson. Then:
$ git clone guile-osc
$ cd guile-osc
$ meson setup build
$ ninja -C build
$ sudo ninja -C build install
Then, to receive OSC messages from within a Guile program:
(use-modules (open-sound-control server-thread))
(define osc-server (make-osc-server-thread "osc.udp://:7770"))
(add-osc-method osc-server
"/my/osc/method" ;; Method name
"fi" ;; Argument types (see liblo manual)
(lambda (float-arg int-arg)
(do-something ...)))
(add-osc-method osc-server
"/my/other/method" ;; Method name
"" ;; No arguments
(lambda ()
(do-stuff ...)))
To define a wildcard method, which matches everything, use add-osc-wildcard
instead of add-osc-method
, leave the method name out but keep everything
If the separate server thread doesn't work in your application, there's also a blocking server option:
(use-modules (open-sound-control server))
(define s (make-osc-server "osc.udp://:7770"))
(add-osc-method s ....)
(osc-recv s) ;; Blocks for 1 second, or until a message is received
You can even have multiple blocking servers at once: (osc-recv server1 server2)
To send messages (with parameters):
(use-modules (open-sound-control client))
(define osc-send-addr (make-osc-address "osc.udp://localhost:7771"))
(osc-send osc-send-addr "/their/osc/method" 1 2 4)
(osc-send osc-send-addr "/their/other/method" "string-arg")
(osc-send osc-send-addr "/yet/another/method" 0.3 "hello")
To send messages "from" a particular server, e.g. to communicate
bidirectionally via a TCP connection, use osc-send-from
. For example:
(define srv (make-osc-server "osc.tcp://:8000"))
(define dst (make-osc-address "osc.tcp://"))
(osc-send-from dst srv "/method/name" 1 2 3)
See examples/eos-x1k2.scm for an example. This is the script I use, in conjunction with x1k2-midi-osc-alsa, to connect a USB MIDI control surface to Eos.
LGPL 2.1, the same as liblo itself.