Access WeChat functions using django views
tested in python 3.5 and django 1.8, but should work with lower versions of both
This is more a code snippet rather than an actual app
Currently this snippet is only for reading WeChat messages, but you can extend it, pull requests welcome
these videos give you an overview of how to setup WeChat. They are in PHP but the message is clear
To begin create your app and make your custom url point to our wechat view
subclass the view in the wechat directory of this project
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from wechat.views import WeChatView
token = "ad4sf65weG7Db6ddWE"
on_message(self, message):
root = ET.fromstring(message)
from = root[1].text
message_type = root[3].text
content = root[4].text
print('from: {}'.format(from))
print('message type: {}'.format(message_type))
print('content: {}'.format(content))
You need to set this yourself, use any alphanumeric string, if you use any special characters WeChat wont authenticate
The messages come as xml, so here we use an xml reader just to print out the message. to see all the different message types check here
- head over to
- Click on Login
- Scan the QR code
You should see the sandbox developer page now
In the developer page look for the heading API config
there will be entry fields for URL and Token
- Ensure your web app is running and your custom view is accessible on http://mysite/wechat/
- If you are testing on localhost a good tool to use is ngrok
URL: enter the url you chose for your view e.g. http://mysite/wechat/
or the same url if you are using
ngrok to expose your localhost to the outside world could be e.g.
TOKEN: enter the token you chose in step 1), remember it has to be the same as your views token and only alphanumeric
once you click ok you should see a message that says successful or something similar
- Open WeChat on your mobile phone and go to Discover->Scan QR Code
- On your developer page scroll down to the heading
Test account QR Code
and scan that QR Code - Now send a message to the account added to your phone under subscription accounts
- Smile as you see your message come in your console